Bassy Kims of Yesteryear

Kurt is up there in Keith Moon territory in terms of inventiveness and sheer dynamics.

Keith Richards, he of the lifestyle that challenges human endurance.

Wow. I met JD after a one-man college show. He went over the story of his life story during the show and didn't even mention the war.

Whovian means Emilia Clarke, not Lena. Emilia is slated to be Sarah Connor in a new Terminator TV series.

What's so annoying is that they already had a chick from GoT who can act (Lena Headey) playing Sarah Conner - and they threw her (and the fantastic SCC) away…

Can't wait for the Terminator reboot, starring Justin Bieber.

If Cuddy and House had just had a conversation about risotto, it would have been worth it…

Holy shit. This is the late-nite show I wanna see.

And - I call my dentist "Painless", but the sadistic bastard never gets the joke. :)

Homeland. The minute they outsourced the writing to 14YO boys at the beginning of S2…


Rex Reed loves it.

Great song. Speaking of which, I've always been impressed at how dark are the lyrics to Community's happy-sounding theme:

Hey, why not? Keith Richards has been wearing eyeliner since the 70s.

There are Friends and BBT clips on utube with the laugh track removed.

He has something to prove (maybe to himself) again?

After last night, I'm pretty sure that Aimee Mann could make a cover of Muskrat Love work, with Dan Harmon driving…

I am astonished at how, with DH's return, Community has returned solidly to form (S2 form!) even while losing two of its major characters. Even Arrested Development was off-frequency upon its return.

Danny Glover is the Shelly Long of Community?

Now, an MST3K overlay would actually make Intelligence watchable!