Bassy Kims of Yesteryear

A Sawyer Prequel would have been great. Imagine the tortured Sawyer,
pre-Craphole Island, running a con a week. Sort of an anti-Rockford, but with Rockford's propensity for being abused by, yet overcoming, the fools
around him.

Amazingly, NBC manged to get the name Greendale wrong in its latest alleged promotion for the show. I'm sure that this is just an intern's typo, and not a sign that the suits over there are so clueless as to actually not give a damn about their very best show…

I'd take the time. Harmonless S4 was far better than I'd imagined, and floated in the network stratosphere above trash like Whitney, and 2.5 Men. Even detuned Community is better than 90% of Everything Else.

There was me, that is Ralphie, and my three droogs,
that is Flick, Schwartz, and Bruner, Bruner being really dim, and we sat in Flick's Tavern making up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening, a flip dark chill winter bastard though dry….

Great noggy thought, but no.

I actually met Rod Stewart, in a hotel in LA. 1980, I think. Late at night - maybe 1AM. The women's bathroom in the lobby was busted, so I had gone in and used the men's.

Big glass 'o entropy on ice.

You jest, but I was in a nursing home recently, and heard 50s R&R piped over the overhead PA.

He *did* use hi-hats, but only in the studio after the mid-60s.