
I’m not a lawyer but,

All because he got caught liking anime girls one time.

Elon should just walk around in an oversized personal Faraday cage, so that the mean iPhones can’t read his mind and steal all his ideas.

They’ll have security pat-downs of everybody every day.

Rereading Elons comments again it’s all about “Hey look at me! Don’t pay attention to Tim! I need the spotlight more the Apple!  Guys I'm over here!  Look at me!  Look at me!

Tesla even had the gull to try to say “it’s not about the money, Musk has enough. But we have to give him this in order to keep his attention on Tesla rather than his other businesses he’s running”.

Here’s the sad truth, Musk will get his pay package reaffirms by shareholders. And the only reason why is because those same shareholders will believe that the stock price will crater if baby doesn’t get what baby wants and starts throwing a tantrum. But the joke of it is, the stock will only crater if they do out and

Bloody $
Looking at a list of the GDP of the countries of the world, it is higher than about 120 of them. More than the GDP of countries like Tunisia, Latvia, Estonia, Iceland.
And one person is supposed to get that as a pay package.
It is utter insanity. What a shit effing world we live in that that

First Gear: Nobody deserves $56B pay package. Especially not as Telsas continue to pile up unsold.

Get back with your wife.

The Business Insider article words it like this, “Since placing an order for the Cybertruck, ::sic:: his living situation has changed”. Placing an order is not the same as taking delivery, and according to Tesla’s contract for the Cybertruck, anytime before delivery, you can cancel the pre-order and get a refund on

Not only tax laws, but a whole lot of looking-the-other-way on oversight as well. After all, self-regulated industries are the way to go as long as you don’t care too much about the future, the environment, or the body count—none of which bother the “fuck you, I got mine” crowd at all.

Hah! Fuck this guy, and everyone else who buys an incEl Camino.

It’s a rationalization anyways.

Rich bastards support a rich bastard who will promote tax laws that benefit rich bastards?

“Bluntly, that’s part of why I’m supporting him. I believe our justice system is being weaponized against him.”

I think a lot of it is that the actual tech entrepreneur is kind of extinct at this point. What you have now are grifters who promise vaporware tech that will happen “one day” if you just keep giving them money, or some “hot new tech” that’s really just the same useless garbage we’ve already got just repackaged in a

This is, of course, news to no one with a pulse, as the tech bros have been in the bag for Trump since day one. Well known tech entrepreneurs that aren’t MAGA chuds are the exception.

Sacks ... simply wants to “hear Trump out.”

How is first gen Miata not on the list? It’s impossible to be more awake than this!