
Better that a tank from Berlin to Warsaw. (sorry for bad joke)

RBG hosed the Left and her legacy by not resigning when she should have...she was 87 FUCKING YEARS OLD WHEN SHE DIED ON THE COURT!, and now Biden is doing the same. I’m 48, I may see, like, one new Justice by the time I die, whoever replaces Thomas when he finally dies at 106 while casting decisions through an eye-trac

Hate to break it to you but you’re a fascist lol

The ONLY benefits gained from service is the right to vote and the right to hold office.”

That is a pretty big “ONLY” there. XD
The right to vote and hold office means the right to choose your representatives and right to have power of what direction your country takes.
This right being limited to those who went trough

It’s extraordinary to see someone dismiss suffrage as just some frippery. What were women and people of colour making such a fuss about?!

The best satire doesn’t have to be subtle, it has to be earnest. If you think that “the Irish should eat their babies if they’re so hungry” is subtle, then you might want to either recalibrate your scale for subtlety or seriously reevaluate your view on the Irish.

Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?

The major exodus is because it costs a lot to live there. Which is mainly because a large percentage can get rich living there and because a huge number are willing to pay the price to enjoy the climates California has to offer - one can surf in the morning and be skiing in the afternoon. Try that in Houston. In that

Folks who encourage it - and others who were just shocked & started filming. No one stood up - i mean there wasn’t anything you could do to stand up to dozens of people.

She wasn’t fired, though. Her contract was up & they didn’t renew it.

If it helps, Lorne’s an all-purpose starfucker, so it’s unlikely that this is strictly political.

both politically and personally, guy’s a douchebag”

He’s cannot complete that challenge because he’s got a very limited but also very vivid imagination for societies and worlds, and extremely “aging NYT columnist” politics/worldview. I don’t say this with hate because I really enjoyed Bioshock and I love the style of the worlds he comes up with but it is a real

Other big-ticket donors were reportedly spooked by the extreme book ban and abortion laws DeSantis backed, specifically to court the increasingly hard-right Republican base. (To that, I say, why are you a Republican donor in the first place???)

Because cruelty is the point and their base eats it up. As long as there’s someone else to punch down upon, they don’t have to confront the reality of being the lowest and stupidest of human trash who deserve their place at the bottom of the social scale.

And I spoke up immediately, because I didn’t go to school in Florida so I’ve read the rest of the poem already.

I just fucking can’t, with these culture-war fuckwads. Why is it so goddamn hard to treat people with even the shred of basic decency?

Fair enough, I don’t live in that area. The good thing is that the Tech Demo of Cruise is off the public roads-for now.

They really do not need to reinvent the wheel: 

They are really going for that argument? Like, really?