
It’s not going to be worse than 2020 when he loses, because the most violent people who attacked the Capitol are in prison, and the guy who brought everyone together, Trump, is no longer President and doesn’t have that ability anymore.

Yup, as soon as the producer told them it was actually Trump, both he and his guest were like, “Oh, well, I mean anyone can make a mistake.” 

Or he knows that it wasn’t Willie Brown but is just conflating them because it’s an opportunity to shit on Kamala Harris 

It’s a horse race. It’s always a horse race. If it isn’t close, then people don’t tune in. 

Honestly surprised it took this long. Figured the first lawsuits would have been dropping the moment they found the wreckage.

Let’s not forget that Musk is now shutting down the X building in downtown SF, and moving the engineering team… to his xAI building.

I know at least a few dozen people who are Trump supporters. None of them are bad people.

Yeah I’ve been out grocery shopping when I had all my veggies in a paper bag, I set it down on the ground for a second to deal with something else, and somebody’s dog ran up and peed on it. I wish stores had more leeway to kick animals out because they don’t need to be everywhere

This is a natural consequence of demanding drivers become more and more absurdly efficient. Eventually they start cutting corners. And sidewalks.

What will be wild is that the law enforcement that they’re going to go after are all already Trump supporters themselves. Like, I will relish the moment Trump has Mitch McConnell thrown in jail for lack of loyalty, even though McConnell will have done more than almost anyone else to facilitate his return to office.

Everything about Trump is one giant grift, so Trumpers grifting Trumpers is just a natural part of the life cycle.

He isn’t interested in governing. At all. Just “winning.” Democracy, to him, is the election. Nothing after that is a concern to him.

There is no line. Trump has been here for 8 years now, his presidency and Joe Biden’s, did everything that he’s done, attacked the capitol, convicted for multiple crimes, those supporters are still there. There is nothing that will shake these people, they are in it until he’s done.

The only thing he gives a shit about is “winning.” Democracy, to him, is the campaign to get elected, not whatever happens after securing the office. So it’s no surprise that he thinks people who can win sports would also win in wars, because it’s just “winning,” not anything substantive behind it.

Probably just hit the ketamine again

The big difference between someone buying a Tahoe, Yukon, F150, etc, is that those are solid, usable cars, that will do the job that you’re buying them to do. The CyberTruck is shit as a truck, and shit as anything else, so people who buy them are buying them just to show that they can spend $100k on a vehicle that is

Democrats are constantly reaching out to rural communities, most of the CHiPS act money is going to build factories in rural areas, providing jobs, the infrastructure repair act is mostly going to rural areas to rebuild infrastructure and bridges, Democrats send a *ton* of money and outreach to rural communities, but

Remember Hurricane Katrina? When all the dust settled, we started to hear stories about roving groups of armed men who would place themselves at the ends of bridges and shoot at people they didn’t want getting near their “community.” I’d bet it’s more like that. This is their chance to live out some “Escape From NY”

Abbot can criticize CenterPoint all he wants, the fact is that he’s made it clear that the state will never penalize corporations for their activities, so why would they ever want to spend money they don’t need to? 

Yeah I’m not surprised. At all.