
The reason he’s going to go to jail is because he *didn’t* kill the driver, and now he has a witness to testify against him. 

Additionally, the reason people in the UK and Japan drive on the left is because they would prefer to be on their left side when jousting, since they were holding their lance with their right hand. Americans preferred driving on the right because of stage coaches, where it was easier to control a horse by pulling it

Agreed, politicians have been weaponizing stupidity for a long time

And yet there are 3.5 million truckers who will still need income after these replace them.

There’s another article on this site about a dude who was sleeping in his car so he could put in more hours at Tesla and he got laid off. If that dude isn’t hardcore enough, I don’t think it’s a matter of how hard you’re willing to work, but more a matter of… does your visa require you to have a job or be kicked out

They were all about maximizing their opportunities for a “good shoot”

Sure, but doing it this way increases their chances of being able to shoot someone

California’s SB-1372 would allow third-party vendors, i.e. CLEAR, to continue operating only if it opens its own dedicated security lanes.

Yeah I keep reading articles referring to “Black swan” events and it’s like, no baby, that’s just late-stage capitalism. There’s only so much you can suck out of the husk before the well runs dry.

I get that he should have been paying attention and was clearly not, but isn’t that the point of these systems?

Yeah there’s no way he’d allow them to name the airport after him if he wasn’t getting money from it. These assholes have no idea how much everyone outside of their bubble hates him

It seems like a decent EV, but I hate HATE that they called it a Mustang. It’s not a fuckin Mustang.

It sure seems fake to me because who the hell has $3,000/mo to spend on car payments? Do people really make that kind of money on TikTok? I always assumed “influencers” were already rich and just use whatever they make from being online to supplement whatever they basically inherited

All of the weird, whacko fringe stuff I used to hear about as a teenager have basically all been mainstreamed by a bunch of culture warriors eager to hit low-information people with new things to be outraged about.

It’s a massive bribe, and that’s it. It’s like Republican politicians selling $2 million dollar houses to Russian oligarchs for $20 million. It’s just a way to funnel money into politicians’ bank accounts.

The legal system was never going to hold him accountable. It’s always been up to the voters. I am confident he will be defeated in November, but it is important to remind people that is ONLY up to us.

Hanlon’s Razor has also, IMO, been weaponized by malicious assholes who just want you to underestimate them by thinking they’re just stupid

Conservatives have effortlessly jumped from, “Nobody should have the right to tell ME what I do with MY body,” to, “I should have the right to tell YOU what to do with your body!”

Imagine being so mad that someone you’ve never met before is wearing a mask that you get yourself thrown off a plane 😂 Congratulations, you played yourself

For some reason, people that love to paint swastikas and burn crosses on people’s yards love to wear masks as well