I am. I’m headed to city hall to get the paperwork on Thursday.
I am. I’m headed to city hall to get the paperwork on Thursday.
The only thing I like about Mace’s statement is the “but.” When she says, “I’m pro-life, I have a pro-life voting record, but we can’t be assholes to women,” she’s acknowledging that being pro-life inherently requires being an asshole to women. It’s like the abortion version of the classic racist, “I don’t hate that…
The only way for self-driving cars to be safer is for the car to be 100% completely self-driving, whatever level that is, but you will never, ever be allowed to buy one, they will only be rented to you on a per-trip basis, like they are in San Francisco.
Putting an override in their software to allow people to turn off the safety features is incredibly stupid and absolutely something Elon would tell the engineers to do so he could show off.
I think if the fans really want a happy ending for her, that should definitely be on the table, especially in a game like this where there are so many options for endings.
I’d love for them to actually just come out to a public event so that the people they think have these misimpressions can talk with them.
Cool, a two-fer.
Under his law, HB 7, if a teacher told a classroom that this shooting was racially motivated, not only could they be fired, but they could also face criminal charges.
He should. He shouldn’t get to talk about how he and the people of Florida don’t support this kind of shit. According to his own education administration, it would be illegal to teach students that this happened. That’s how much DeSantis hates Black people.
It is somewhat helpful that the right has basically whittled down their entire culture-makers to a handful of reactionaries that are easy to track.
This is absolutely not going to end anytime soon. It will be months before the studios are even going to be willing to talk about negotiating a time to sit down and talk about negotiating.
Because putting women on stage in costumes while the men on stage are developers is demeaning? Because they were put on stage to be eye candy, compared to the men who are on stage to talk about the games they developed?
Cops aren’t bothering with this group because some of the riders *are* cops and tip off the other riders when calls are getting made. They’ve been at this for years, I’m surprised it’s only getting an article now
Missing from this article is that this group has been doing this for years, and there are cops in the group, which is why the police are just somehow “never able” to find them.
Oh, this is a fantastic idea! It will push journalists and news sites to use other social media platforms even more quickly. Go, Musk, Go!
lol are you being silly? and potentially upset a Republican? Get outta here 😂
Fascists pick a community that they can fight, and win, and then rally more people to their side, so they can pick bigger communities to fight, and win. They’ve been at this for quite a while now.
It is the job of every individual human to be a good, caring and kind person, but the reason we have governments and laws is because often we are not.
With only three survivors left, the court probably figures they can just “deliberate” long enough to wait them out.