I’ve literally never heard of teams singing the anthem before, or anyone ever caring. I feel like conservatives got so mad about the anthem kneeling, they decided to add singing as an additional punishment
I’ve literally never heard of teams singing the anthem before, or anyone ever caring. I feel like conservatives got so mad about the anthem kneeling, they decided to add singing as an additional punishment
These folks are so angry that it’s killing them and ripping their families apart, but they don’t know how to get out of it, and Fox News and NewsMax and Trump and everyone else just keep throwing new outrages at them so that they never have an opportunity to calm down.
Doctors will not. It sucks, but basically they put themselves in an insane amount of debt, and are extremely vulnerable to state politicians revoking their license, and if they do lose their license, they are basically finished, career-wise. It is almost impossible to get licensed in another state after that.
None of it will affect his run for the presidency, but that doesn’t really matter, either. He can run all he wants, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s radioactive to most of the country. I don’t put a lot of weight on the idea of these trials being done before the general (MAYBE this one because Smith is clearly…
Yeah federal prosecutors have a conviction rate of like 93% or some crazy high number, because they basically only bring cases that they’re confident they will win. Plus the federal government has the resources to play hard ball with anyone, so things are looking pretty good here.
It’s “personal” in the sense that he’s just trying to make it look like he’s fighting them while he’s still in the governor’s seat. Trying to delay the actual trials for 2 years will mean, with delays, that this stuff will go before the court after he’s left office and his fight with Disney gets forgotten about
Yeah, the part in the Megyn Kelly interview where he declared that he wasn’t “punishing” Disney but taking away something they “shouldn’t have had” ignores the fact that none of the other special districts in the state are being attacked by him.
Those kids are going to see groups attacked for their sexuality and not want to move to wherever that is happening, even if it isn’t their particular type of sexuality under attack.
Senator Tuberville is also from Alabama, so it’s a nice little “fuck you” for sitting on military promotions.
Taking her at her word, she believes the United States government literally came close to being overthrown on January 6. That’s just plain dumb.
This indictment really is one of the best laid-out documents I’ve seen any politician or prosecutor make with regards to Trump.
Of course, he fights tooth and nail in public because he wants the support of Trump voters, and when his public fight is lost, he hands them everything they want behind closed doors because he hates Trump and wants him gone.
Trump gets his own appointed judge in Florida, and Smith gets an Obama appointed judge in DC. That seems fair 😂
At this point, yeah. If you’re using Twitter, you’re propping Musk and his hate speech up. The Center for Countering Digital Hate just released a report where they scanned through tweets by people with blue checkmarks, reported hateful tweets like nazi rhetoric and death threats to LGBTQ people, and noted that Twitter…
Just recently, the Center for Countering Digital Hate released a report where they detailed a bunch of hate speech from Twitter users with blue checkmarks (things like nazi rhetoric, calling for the deaths of LGBTQ people), reported those tweets, and reported that Twitter refused to take any action on 99% of them.
I absolutely will tell people to treat cops like feral creatures. It’s like opening a cage with a bear in it. Under most circumstances, don’t open that cage. But if a guy with a gun is threatening to kill you, maybe you do open the cage. You have a 50/50 shot that maybe the bear will turn on you, but maybe it’ll go…
I would have guessed Mississippi where the poorest counties in the country are, and where people still catch a crazy ringworm that spreads from people walking barefoot through feces.
Simply put, you’re talking about people who’ve given up on the idea of government ever doing anything to improve their lives. Whether or not they have been voting for anything different than what they have, at the end of the day, they don’t think politics or policy will ever make their lives better.
It’s a good thing then that the prosecutors, judge, and jurors aren’t the media then
He has to show restraint, even after the cop admits fucking up, if he had done anything that she’d felt was him being aggressive, she could still just shoot and kill him for making her feel threatened. He was not “safe” until she was physically out of his presence