

The last few years have basically been the right wingers going after target after target, trying to see which communities will push back. Trans people are just the smallest group where the fewest people are willing to push back, so they became the target. And as they’ve been the target, and now they’re trying to use

No one is forcing you to use those words, worrying about what Republicans will do when someone else tries to be inclusive is just stupid.

There’s no mental gymnastics needed to explain why the woman who hired a lawyer, had a lawyer who presented a “receipt” (it wasn’t), and why the kids who didn’t hire a lawyer, don’t have a lawyer presenting “receipts”.

I’m not sure why she would press charges, someone recorded her weaponizing her tears in public but that isn’t illegal. She didn’t actually call the police. This isn’t going to any sort of court.

He did not “take” the bike from her. It was in the lock.

At no point did I advocate for tax increases on people making under $90k, I very specifically mentioned the 1%.

And if anyone booed them, they would just start screaming about how no one can have healthy debate or respect conservative beliefs. They’ll get up and sing, “Kill all the Democrats,” and when people boo, it’s “Oh you just hate different opinions!” 

Her receipt was presented by her lawyer showed that she in fact bought the bike.

“You can’t have a high cost of living, and still tax people even more”

A “Karen” is a behavior, not an epithet. It isn’t reserved solely for white women, it isn’t reserved solely for women at all. If you act like a Karen, you get called a Karen.

She was wrong. She wasn’t the owner of the bike, she was never in danger, and she tried to weaponize her white lady tears to have those boys killed. She is absolutely a Karen and deserves every bit of dragging she has gotten. 

Dude seems to need a lot of attention. I quit Instagram by deleting the app on my phone and not downloading again. I just talk to my friends in person.

Perhaps you should do some reading on California’s constitution and its laws. In the 70s, after graduating for free at UCs and buying up cheap housing stock, California’s passed a bill freezing their property tax rates and banning the state from creating new taxes or raising existing ones, while also every couple of

I’ve noticed that people who reflexively feel the need to shit on California often aren’t the best at reading

Oh I definitely don’t disagree, but it’s hard to ask a person making minimum wage to put their life and their body on the line against a bunch of violent psychopaths over a line of children’s swimwear. The big reason that the nut jobs have been so successful in their attacks on trans people is because they’re such a

True signs of Presidential character - attacking a person who is minding her own business, harming no one. 

“Irony” indeed, most of these schools have a policy that if a parent doesn’t want their child to have a certain book, they can put it in writing and the library won’t allow the child to have access to that book. But they want to ban the books for ALL children, especially and including those who aren’t their own.

It was a Washington Post article, out now.

Lower Decks takes place after The Next Generation, Strange New Worlds is set on the Enterprise before Kirk takes over. So there’s most likely time travel shenanigans, which I think Jonathan Frakes (directing this episode) has confirmed.