I was really hoping Colon would be the hitter here.
I was really hoping Colon would be the hitter here.
Not always. Sometimes a bleed isn’t seen on a CT scan until hours or days later. MRI can catch things that the CT doesn’t, but the ordering ER doc or Radiologist might not order the study, and perhaps the patient wasn’t experiencing any further symptoms and didn’t follow up.
PAYED? Really? Does no one edit this stuff anymore or was this a nautical article I am drastically misinterpreting?
This is so stupid I can’t stop laughing.
I get it. I get jokes.
Same for players 1, 3, and 4. This LAN party that is the Houston Rockets must’ve had their wifi go out.
I was waiting for this
or maybe she had an ongoing problem that she refused to deal with at a cardiologist or pulmonologist’s office and relied on the ER to treat her every need. We don’t know the whole story.
Having worked in the ER for 7 years now, it is not uncommon at all to have to call the police do deal with patients. It’s why hospitals are staffed with security, as sometimes patients get belligerent and out of control. We don’t know the entire story here, but if this patient was in fact causing a disturbance, the…
Still more accurate than anything on Fox News.
So doing coke and fleeing the scene of a crime gets one fighter 18 months probation, while smoking weed gets a fighter banned for 5 years?
Whatever happened to Curtis Enis?
Hell, he even dropped the mic on that 5th goal.
Fucking hipsters.
This is more exciting than the home run derby.
Shouldn't there be an E9 on the stupid play by the right fielder? That behind the back ball flip essentially threw the ball further away from the center fielder.
They should judge the hitters on their bat flips.
That's gold, Jerry!