
He's not automating a relationship, he's just automating a notification that he's running late. If he were making an app have a conversation for him you might have a point, but this keeps her up to date even if he forgets. I doubt she'd care.

Not if you give them a bath every now and then.

Petting a dog produces the exact same response.

I wouldn't say "many" windows desktops are up to the task of running 4K, at least not for gaming (and lets be honest, nobody is shelling out for a 4K monitor to check facebook). Most desktops don't have anywhere near the graphics hardware necessary for smooth 4K gaming.

The iPhone case is a wallet as well.

I think it was included in the picture to demonstrate that this is everything they have with them. I'm sure it's worn (along with the glasses), just like the rest of the items probably go in pockets.

No, and no. The ethanol from the vodka out-competes the ethylene glycol in the anti-freeze for alcohol dehydrogenase, preventing the production of glycolic acid.

According to the reporters they gave it to him through a tube in his nose.

When I was called and screened for a drug trial one of the questions asked was basically asking if you would refuse to convict someone on drug charges. Everyone who said yes was sent out. Nullification of drug laws isn't going to happen if everyone who might do it is removed from the jury pool to begin with.

My dog has actually caught a few rats. The birds she likes to chase on the other hand, not so successful.

God is an agent of the dome. All hail Lord Helix!

If forced to choose, I certainly prefer dogs. That said, I think most people who find this to be a big issue have had very limited or negative experiences with one or the other. They both have up and down sides.

There's not really anything wrong with it, it's just much simpler to hear "you need to do the dishes" when they need to be done rather than "Would you do the dishes?" or "Do you want to help?" when we both know there's only one legitimate response. Even if it's an agreed upon arrangement, the question is entirely

I don't, that's part of my point. I also don't particularly want to be patronized by being "asked" to do something I'm expected or need to do.

Looks like duck butt to me.

I can't speak for everyone I suppose, but "Do you want to help me with the dishes?" doesn't give me any illusion of choice. You even say yourself "no"=asshole, so it's not like there's really any option being given.

Even if you have the means to store the pizza, the leftovers have less value (unless you're one of those weirdos who prefer cold/reheated pizza).

That's not what the engineer in the original example was doing though. He was buying more pizza that he had no intention of eating fresh just because he wanted a better pizza/$ rate.

"But Lifehacker told me to!!!"

Chances are your IT department can remotely access your computer, making pretty much any attempt at hiding your activity useless. Just save the questionable browsing for home (you're supposed to be working anyway, right?). Besides, if they routinely point out you have no right to privacy on your company machine I