1. The dog
1. The dog
You’ll be sorely missed. Thanks for so many great articles, and of course setting up what I would consider the highlight of my Kinja commenting history. Best of luck at How-to Geek. Looks like I have a new feed to follow.
Completely unrelated, but thanks for brining to my attention the existence of a lego WALL-E kit.
I do this constantly, but I’m not convinced it actually helps you “break out of your shell.” I find that I tend to use it as a crutch, and it makes me even less capable of functioning in social situations without an outgoing friend around.
You can add drowning to this list.
No, I think he means -a psychopath.
Loopholes aren’t always unethical, either. Many consider just taking advantage of tax credits to be using a loophole, but they’re not illegal...
You had me until the microtransactions.
I specifically responded that way because of your complaint. It also happens to perfectly summarize my opinion of the “this is better because there’s no profanity” attitude. The use or avoidance of certain words simply because society has decided they’re “bad” means nothing about the quality of the work in question.
Mode SQL school is another good resource for learning SQL.
So communicating your ideas without using an arbitrarily and poorly defined list of words somehow makes you better? Fuck that.
The preponderance of evidence you speak of is a collection of observations.
I think that’s because by the time you’ve reached the point of being a practicing scientist (probably by the time you reach grad school even) you’ve learned to naturally follow a process similar to “the scientific method” unconsciously. You don’t talk about it because it’s as natural to you as breathing air. To…
more productive
I love the Golden Delicious/Granny Smith mix for pies. Honestly I’d probably go with nothing but Granny Smith, but not everyone has the same obsession with insanely tart apples that I do, so I throw in some goldens to balance things out a bit.
What a great way to avoid all responsibility for your dickish behavior. How about this one: “Don’t blame me for killing your family when I was driving drunk, it’s the cops fault for not enforcing DUI laws well enough.”
No, you don’t. Not only is it a case of “two wrongs don’t make a right,” you’re fucking over your fellow passengers with your oversized “carry-on,” when it’s the airline who fucked you over with the undersized seats.
You’re right, New Jersey should be on there.
Don’t drink excessive amounts of alcohol? Seems like the reasonable response to your body being unable to handle it.