Look at his palms in the freeze frame of this article.
Look at his palms in the freeze frame of this article.
He’s black, so no.
But the guy in the video is black.
It’s not me, it’s the system.
If you genuinely believe a child throwing tantrums is deplorable, you have some profound issues.
Yeah, that’s a waste of her time for sure.
It’s not topless, she’s wearing a bra.
Why don’t you insult people some more, maybe that will calm your nerves and get you better poll results.
Given her history of making mountains out of molehills, no I don’t think it was a reasonable gamble at all. This was just as stupid and poorly thought out as her hiding the billing records of the Rose Law firm and then getting all indignant once they were uncovered and people didn’t believe her. It’s always the same…
Actually, that’s literally what she said.
Why don’t you tell them your secret of paying your bills in the universal currency of tolerance?
Probably for the same reason Keith Richards is sometimes asked about his health regimen: it’s astonishing how he’s not dead yet.
This only confirms my suspicions that all adult doll collectors are mentally off kilter. The only thing missing is some cat dander fashioned into the shape of a doll.
No, the only reason this is news is because she was filmed wobbling and incapable of getting into her car without the help of three people.
Yeah,and there are a lot of ways Jews could have died during that time too. Old age, heart disease, cancer, car accidents, workplace accidents....without paperwork how can we know? Just take their statements as fact? Sorry, we’re investigative journalists committed to the truth here, not some celebrity tabloid. If you…
Go die in a gas chamber.
If paperwork proof is required for you to remove the qualifier “allegedly” are you telling me you wouldn’t find it more than a tad offensive if I said some of your family “allegedly” died in the Holocaust? Are you saying you wouldn’t find it a tad offensive if I believed everything about your story, except that?
I doubt Bernie Sanders would have her over for the weekend, now or ever.
I didn’t accuse you of anything. I just said who I supported, and what my economic background is. I don’t give a shit what 538 says, or about who else supports Trump or Clinton.