Basket of Deplorable Binders

Are you going to switch your vote if he releases them? Probably not. So what’s the point, besides keeping a Nixon tradition that doesn’t mean anything?

Except her aides who got sick, the reporters on her plane who shared the space with her sick aides, and all the hundreds of people she is filmed having hugged and kissed.

I don’t care for SJP and not for any of that third rate psychobabble you picked up on Oprah.

There’s no shame in trying to improve yourself.

Meh, kinda. Unless you need to go relieve yourself really badly or are dead tired, I don’t see what’s the big deal of walking six rows to pick up a beauty product. I don’t bother to go at all if I just need one thing.

Pregnant people and old people who have the audacity to demand a seat on public transport are assholes in my book.

So you were raised in a foster home or by carnival barkers until 18?

It’s not a different world now, it’s the same world now as it was then where people were excluded and their rights trampled.

I don’t think it turned into a Trump v. Clinton debate.

Out of frame: Ken Starr grabbing Hillary Clinton’s caboose, while Frank Luntz looks on, bemused.

Read the rest of his comments on her. Bill dicking bimbos is not the reason he doesn’t want to vote for Hillary.

Love your moral indignation, especially since hobnobbing with odious people is how he got money to raise you.

Children deserve full privacy, not just bodily privacy.

LOL, sure they’ll get right on that after Hillary releases her banking speeches.

Those protections don’t cover your house being turned to smithereens in a hurricane, or the mental anguish of having to live alongside Floridians.

Knowledge of the law is probably the last thing they look for when appointing judges. They’re patronage positions, pretty much.

Judges are appointed, so yeah.

Polygamy with child brides in the LDS is my guess. Utah has turned a blind eye to that since forever.

So it took 7 years for Obama to listen to his female staffers? Is that what I’m supposed to take away from this?

Forcible sexual abuse?