Why “allegedly” killed in the Holocaust? You don’t doubt that she lived in the US for six years or that she came from Austria or that the kiss was unsolicited.
Why “allegedly” killed in the Holocaust? You don’t doubt that she lived in the US for six years or that she came from Austria or that the kiss was unsolicited.
I can’t imagine why they won’t.
What’s lesbian alternative medicine? How is it different from plain alternative medicine?
Who else is there to run? I dunno, maybe we can find those people when the DNC isn’t staffed with Clinton acolytes who intimidate challengers.
Contempt and not caring are not the same thing. Trump has employed hundreds of lower class people at his facilities. His business never swindled grants from the government for bogus diversity initiatives. The Clintons did. $16 million of government funds go towards paying CGI employees. Chappaqua took millions under…
Look, it’s Sunday and I respect myself and my family too much so that I limit my time on the internet, especially when it’s Sept. 11. So speaking very rushed, I support Trump because underneath all the circus, he’s the lesser evil of the two. John Hinckley Jr. is unlikely to do us all a favor and murder all of this…
When was that?
They’re the same in the sense that they’re both lies.
You learn a lot about a candidate when it’s getting down to the wire. That’s why I am still making up my mind, and as an independent I am leaning Trump.
You attack me when my initial comment wasn’t even directed at you, and you have the gall to accuse me of going out of my way for expressing an opinion about a Clinton statement?
Yeah, I’m reading it now. I notice that they draw a distinction between Republicans and Trump supporters, but make no such distinction between Democrats and Hillary supporters.
Thank you. That study isn’t about Trump supporters, so thanks for clarifying the source.
Oh honey, I vote. Just because you don’t see me at rallies or hawking bumper stickers doesn’t mean I’m too stupid to vote.
You’re a disgusting and bigoted person who is no different from the people who come out of Trump rallies. That’s why I don’t bother to go or display my support publicly in real life.
I did not say you threatened me with violence. I said you insulted me, which you did. I was explaining that I am careful with whom I share my political views because I have found people to be violent and insulting.
I don’t go to rallies or have Trump sign on my lawn, if that makes me silent, then whatever I guess I’m silent. I choose with who I want to share my political beliefs, because many people are violent and insulting, like you.