
Like they're the first to think of or do this.

Fashion didn’t protect Black or Mexicans from lynching. Maybe it will be different this time? Naaaaah.

Maybe those suits are like Ironman armor. You know bulletproof, choke hold proof, and proof against white supremacy

These motherfuckers need to watch some footage of the 1960's marches. Suits don’t protect you from White supremacy. “Respectability” doesn’t mean shit when they don’t respect your humanity.

Cops don’t see harassing Black people as a waste of their time; it’s the highlight of their day.

This applies only to the jurisdictions I’m familiar with, but generally the police can arrest you without a warrant if you commit a misdemeanor in their presence. I should note that what happened here is completely ridiculous and I’m in no way suggesting the officer acted appropriately.

I wouldn’t say “desperate search” so much as, “don’t be shocked when they find the legal loophole related to x

While IANAL also, it is a slight myth that “anyone” can represent someone in court.

I think that may vary from state to state. In Hawaii (where I’m licensed)practicing law without a license is a misdemeanor, so theoretically the police could arrest someone for it.

That sounds correct but I don’t think we can rule out some state statute that allows the police to prohibit any but the defendant and “legal representation” to approach the bench.

“I noticed an air of superiority in the lawyer, so I decided to whip him down a few pegs.”

Question (raises hand). The police could arrest you under a misdemeanor charge but that would still have to go through the court system, right? Like they couldn’t arrest / detain you on the spot. Someone from the court would have to tell the cop to arrest you. Then they can can execute the order. This cop just came in

It appears to be a misdemeanor in Maryland too. MD Bus Occ & Prof Code §§10-601 & 606 appear to criminalize it. But I’m not admitted in Maryland, so I can’t say for certain.

I think that may vary from state to state. In Hawaii (where I’m licensed) practicing law without a license is a misdemeanor, so theoretically the police could arrest someone for it. I’m far too lazy to look up the Maryland statute on this, though.

I’m not a courtroom lawyer but I’m 99% sure cops don’t have the jurisdiction to make sure someone is a really a lawyer in court. That’s the court’s job and only the court’s job. The cop is there for security and to bring criminal defendants in and out of custody. This cop should 100% be fired but I’m sure he won’t be.

I saw this on Baltimore news last night. Same headline, lawyering while black. I can’t wait to hear the excuses already in the making to explain how this wasn’t racial profiling (“when I stopped him, I smelled marijuana, so it seemed suspicious.” “His tail light was broken”, “we verify and double check every lawyer

wetness status of water currently being evaluated.

Damn. Take your star.

“Study shows we’ve run out of studies that prove anything but common-sense.”

To be fair the wife and kid probably wanted him to go back to work. I mean could you imagine spending more that a day with that guy?