
Sad truth: Too many black americans look at the absence of “Big Black Bill for the Negro” as proof Obama did nothing. The fact is almost every policy championed by the Obama administration benefitted black people. From the ACA, bailing out the Auto Industry, forming the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau and passing

If what you say is correct, damn, I can’t wait til Game of Thrones comes back. 

Shhhhhhhhh. The lack of common sense is great with this one.

wrong. Police service weapons have a mechanism on the holster that makes it virtually impossible to disarm them...
Police don’t tell you this and joe public doesn’t know this so they can kill an unarmed naked man clearly in mental distress and you’ll jump right in and defend them with bullshit like...
“You cannot let a

And the crazy thing about that is to date no black person has walked into an a predominantly black school with the intention of murdering innocent children.

I just typed that before reading your comment

Isnt it odd how human nature or the idealogy of the right always attacks the lesser of evils instead of going after the really significant abusers like crying over food stamps instead of corporate welfare and corporate tax avoiders... In this case attacking private citizens instead of umm Nestle. Why are people like

wonder if he comes from a two parent home.