I feel really good about that idea. May I suggest getting a friend to sharpie a big Wu W on your chest?
I've got quotes too. "No one will look up to you when you look down on everyone."
I hope the person who uses "retard" as an insult against someone on the Internet doesn't consider herself a "great mind."
hot take
I love when people are offended by the existence of Dirt Bag™
- Eleanor Roosevelt.
I have an idea. What if I dumped my coffee all over my desk, drove my car through the front window of my office, tore open my shirt, and screamed "WU-TANG AIN'T NOTHIN TO FUCK WITH!"
Great food for thought, Diana.
like what a weird fight
... If having a girl feud with someone means that they make all of their friends copy my adorable fashion decisions, sign me up!
But did you stain it with liptons and burn the edges? That's how you know it's legit.
Why did you say hot cookie and testicles in the same sentence now I'm damaged for ever :( :( :(
You said package! *snort laughs*
Part of the package.
I'm willing to bet that Eutopia's enemies - in other contexts - would be quick to tell you how much they value freedom and limited government intervention.
Not really. You can get a 9mm for pretty cheap (under $200 brand new). Say their gun was a few years old, not in perfect condition, the value had depreciated, and they sold it to a pawn shop or gun shop who usually gives people about 25% of what the gun is worth.
How much food and hotel rooms can they really buy with…
Seriously, I know you're joking, but that's really the biggest problem here. There's this culture of fear that just permeates so many people that we need to address. Like, you read gun nut memes, they're all themed around the idea that the police will not come if they call and will not help them if they do come. That…