What about sneakers? Sneakers allow criminals to flee faster, ergo, we should only be allowed to wear flip-flops.
What about sneakers? Sneakers allow criminals to flee faster, ergo, we should only be allowed to wear flip-flops.
i would kill for her to go on the daily show
Did Princeton Mom's kid rape somebody? I mean, seriously, is that why she's so desperately trying to downgrade rape to a playground bullying incident?
John Mayer, judging by how much everyone he dates detests him afterwards.
Mayer. Levine seems to be more up-front with his douchebaggery, so it's not like you don't know what you're getting with him. Mayer plays it all sensitive and then turns around and is a giant douche anyhow.
There's no clearer way to give yourself away as a Potterhead imposter than by calling the Sorting Hat the "Naming Hat". I know you want to be in our cool kids club (we do have awesome snacks), but you gotta at least pass the character name test, sister.
I dunno, these 'elder' videos - the grannies smoking pot, these folks - always kind of annoy me on their very own, without the added irritant of a Kardashian as the topic. Yeah, older people are older, and sometimes they have no fucks left to give about the latest famewhore because, well, they've seen many more…
I know when my husband comes home after his whirlwind business trips in foreign countries, the first thing he does is open up the Facebook and comment about the attractiveness of potential rape victims. All the time. It's just what you do in that situation.
Well, since you are an expert on women's health, clearly you know that prenatal testing reveals birth defects around the 20 week mark. One of your contemporaries, an OB/GYN, wrote this. Those scans search for major birth defects, like missing limbs, heart abnormalities, and to see if the brain of the little collection…
Never. Gets. Old. He's actually achieved a level of personal grooming on-par with what women are expected to do (even his eyebrows!!)
I knew you would. ;-)
The majority of those abortions are necessary to save the life of the mother, or are done because the fetus would not be viable outside of the womb. What would you have the Mother do? Carry the pregnancy to term, delivering dead tissue, or give birth to an infant who will die shortly after birth? Stop making light of…
You go right to hell.
The sweater, the bold printed wallpaper, and pink headstock on the guitar in the background makes me think that he might be really fun to gossip and go shopping with.
"I like my government so small it fits in a woman's uterus."
Tea Party: "Actually, it's about small government."