One of my favorite books! I alternate between thinking I’m Jenifer or Neely, depending on how crazy I feel that day.
One of my favorite books! I alternate between thinking I’m Jenifer or Neely, depending on how crazy I feel that day.
Tell her Tits says you are being way generous with “B” list there.
Oh yes. Little ones are all up near the shore. It’s ok, they won’t bug ya.
Rather be a cunt than a year slow, short bus :D
I need to go buy some more because my skirt blew up for the last time the other day.
She was working on a TV show to appeal to the masses. The masses like Jenifer Aniston, beige, and oatmeal. Stacy does her job well.
Psshhh, look at you CSIing it up in here.
Upgrade to oven cleaner and blind the bastards :D
The NYPD is a bunch of hired goons.
Dudes a twat. I’m ignoring them from here out, they can be afraid of everything for all I care.
Because they don’t. Do educate yourself about the subject.
Nah, they are totally helping. Being worked up about them helping is not helping though...
I wouldn’t eat a monster...
Coconut crab. They haunt my dreams.
Waoh, brutal.
Are there ever enough? I have yet to be satisfied.
Nope, but that’s what the tailoring is for. The price goes up the more tweaks you need and sleeves are a part of that. Honestly, few people fit into ready to wear because you must have the same shape as the fit model or it’s going to be off somewhere.
As a cop you really gotta roll with shit. Hot heads have no place in that job. Was she acting shitty? Yep. Was he the authority in this circumstance and should have been able to deal with a drunk woman? Fuck yes. He should be able to deal with a lot more than a belligerent drunk woman without losing it. What if this… They have amazing $5 tee shirt sales. If you sign up for e-mail they give you a heads up and you can stock up for cheap :D