
That's nothing unusual in the fashion world.

Ohhhhhh Cap! He was dreamy, hope he lets me ride him. Uh, I mean his horses.

Yeah, this drought is making me breath into a bag.

The least this winter can do is throw me a couple of Almanzo's-grain-wall references

Yep! Just remember, most art sucks :D

Real talk, I have never had a dounut from a chain that was worth a fuck.

I used to watch her show and laugh. No seasoning! My mom is Italian so it blew my mind.

that's nice.

Awwww :D That is fabulous to hear!

Her stuff is just a no flavor heart attack on a plate, bleh.

Excellent point. Fashion has always had a social commentary.

I loved him when I was a kid. I have a soft spot for silly men.

Graham Kerr cooked just like she did and it almost killed his wife. Remember when he reformed and then had the healthy cooking shows? That's because he was killing her with butter.

Mexican food unhealthy? Get out of here!

I know a ton of women that have had babies in the last 8 years and only 1 was not induced.

This is a really really bad idea. Tell her you care about her. No ring. No promise of undying eternal love. Otherwise you know she will say no, because this is an ambush. If you were my friend I would be livid.

We waited two weeks so we could get married on April Fools day at the court house. FUCK planning a wedding and everything that goes with it. I wanted to get married, not spend money I don't have throwing a party.*

Yeah babies don't come out till they want to, or a doctor decides he rather do it on his time and induce you. Seriously, fucking everyone is induced now it's ridiculous.