Or cats. Or myself.
Or cats. Or myself.
Yeah, man. Yeah. Brooklyn is awesome.
I've had a few run-ins with Ari and he is a fucking moron - the worst type of fucking moron, because he thinks he is really smart.
Where I live October is perfect. Warm but not hot, dry air (great hair days) and peak foliage. I may be biased as that is when we had our wedding...
Hahaha that is awesome. Much appreciated!
Ha Ha that's one hell of a troll.
I kind of wish this were a series: Lindy West Ruins Movies!
Please. Please tell us more!
It's right at that weird intersection of the "fitness" world and the "gay" world. I mean, it's probably mostly gay, but cloaked in fitness.
It's going in my obituary: "And never once did she ever regret not having children. Not even for a moment."
I definitely had a sex dream about him last night. Waking up was such a disappointment.
Why shouldn't the global population decline? Are you familiar with the concept of "carrying capacity"?
People are fucking weird. Do people just assume that every human being is cut out to take care of another life? Why in the world would we expect everyone to have children when very clearly a LOT of people should not. I love kids, I love taking care of them. But caring occasionally for my niece and coaching a kids…
Always glad to hear someone embrace her child-free life, though I prefer the succinct and to-the-point explanation by Helen Mirren:
Is it me, or is Cameron Diaz getting more awesome as time goes on?
Oh, Kevyn Aucoin. How I miss you.
That pic of Gwyneth just reminded me of how she looked shen she posed as James Dean and what an awesome makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin was.
No mystery. This buzz is exactly why she changed the lyrics.
Pinkham, I really enjoy your posts (this series, especially) but I have to admit the stories the people sometimes submit... Are mild in comparison to the day-to-day dealings I had in the industry; also, just about all the old coworkers I'm comfortable speaking for. I feel we've yet to tap into the full potential here.