I get some sort of joy inside from what an unfortunate looking child January Jones was. How did she end up so beautiful?
I get some sort of joy inside from what an unfortunate looking child January Jones was. How did she end up so beautiful?
It's not that weird. She has half his DNA.
That is truly absurd.
I genuinely have no problem with anyone liking Instagram. I really only have a problem with marilove being rude. I was genuinely asking if I was missing something, because I haven't been able to get into it. I appreciate your response. I'm going to quit the service, because all of my friends have their Instagram…
My prom pic is almost identical to this one. I posed with a boy that I ended losing my virginity to three weeks after prom.
They banned Binaca at my middle school using this exact rationale. In fact, that may have been my first personal exposure to frivolous school bans. I'm sure we were all going to get tanked on the maybe .1 oz of alcohol that Binaca contains.
And where are the pictures of sons with their moms? Oh, that's right. Religious people don't give two shits if boys sleep with half the girls in the country, but GOD FORBID a girl sleep with ONE boy before marriage, then her value as a human being takes a nose dive.
Sometimes you just think it's the only way you can fall asleep at 9:00am. Most of the time you're wrong.
my cut wasn't actually a pixie - it was straight up Robert Downey Jr.'s cut from a while ago. I looked freaking awesome
right? i think of it in terms of "total orgasms" achieved, not how i get them.
My daughter is the same way. Everything seems extra short on her. Her last school was really strict about the fingertip rule and it drove us insane. We could hardly ever find shorts in her size that met the rule, so we had to buy jeans to cut off. She doesn't prefer her shorts short, but she loves the cute, fun,…
In my early 20s I was like a Bonobo. I was just constantly having sex or masturbating. It was like muscle memory, which is the only reason I can explain how I would get piss drunk and black out and then go home with guys who would tell me I "seemed fine" the night before, despite how drunk I claimed I'd been. It was…
Thank you! And, yeah, the whole thing is a bit of a mess since we both obviously have our own issues. I know she means well, but the type of relationship she wants is unhealthy, in my opinion. So it took some serious work, but I set out my boundaries and she has to be able to hear them. Other than this stuff, she is…
anyone who's masturbated after doing too much cocaine knows extended contraction of muscles + dehydration is a sure shot to muscle cramps
You know damn well about that word. 4chan's thataway, JSM. Why don't you go be edgy over there.
The shot off the bicycle at 2:36 is still one of my favorite things.