
Ailes has “already written the killer line that will take Hillary down, if Trump remembers to say it.”

Once again for those who might have missed that class; don’t leave a perfectly stable, georgeous actress for a completely unstable wreck actress. You will regret it. Carry on. doing the “thing of the moment?” I'll pass on understanding their existential angst at being so oppressed. #firstworldproblems #contactmewhenyougetajob

Oh! Look at the sheeple! Bless their hearts!

Nope. I’ll oppress hatred and murder every day. If that's your culture, I'm sorry for you.

Nope. Not a joke at all.

Not believed by who? Orwellian propagandists? Bless their heart!

Or a safe space for the 1% sport babies to feel non-oppressed.

Bless your heart! I guess the PD honor their “contractual obligation” to protect your butt about as much as you honor it.

How about those big, strong athletes learn to fire a gun, get a permit and protect themselves? That would be fun! I'll go pop some corn 😉

Your facts are wrong. You're a racist promoting lies. Have a nice day.

They're working a second job off duty for the NFL. They don't have a damn duty to protect anyone.

Yes! lets fuck the unions. Let’s just keep treating those who protect us like non-humans.....lets do! Then, when they act like citizens with a right to speech......of their own.....we’ll be shicked! Clutching our pearls! Who would have thought?

Funny. You think “regular cops” will be any more responsive? Bless your heart.

Hmm. So you're not going to disrespect those who protect you?

The fact that the sports babies think their speech won't have consequences is appalling in its arrogance.

Police unions.....two can play at that game.

They have the right to say whatever they want. But they don’t have the right to be free from criticism for it. The cops are NOT crybabies for exercising their rights to free speech. What’s sauce for the goose after all. Or do only overpaid Narcissistic sports babies get to speak in our society?

Nope. This is the exact kind of person I want to alienate, isolate and incarcerate. Him and his poisonous “ideology”. Unlike the hellholes in the dessert inhabited by barbarians that you admire so much, this country is actually a civilized society that dosent cotton to your mythologically inspired hatred or your

Yes. Because it’s much more plausible that Americans exploded trash cans in NYC to “throw” an election than Islamists who have not only done the same thing repeatedly, but vowed to do it again. You are delusional.