
You have serious self image issues and the rest of your fellow Americans don’t suffer from your Germanic need to self flagellate. (Thank the Founding Fathers). In any case, this clearly prevents you from appreciating the sincere admiration of anyone. I am sorry, and wish you a speedy recovery. Also, Canadians are

Perfect! Bozo clown hairstyle to complement his sideline antics!

Actually, it was flakka. A closely related second gen bath salts from China.

Yes, and more the criminals who wield them.

It does matter. A hungry child doesn’t have food at home? Is forced to roam the streets looking for it? Methinks a call to CPS is in order.

All of your “reasons” are nonesense and you know it, if you’re honest. You were out roaming the streets because you were a dumb ass, like so many teenagers will be left to their own devices. Of course, she’s not at fault. A 15 year old can’t even plan for her period supplies. Her parents are. Because they failed

You “set your mom straight?!” What a fool.....are you 12?

No you were lucky SOBs still too narcissistic to understand.

At 25...not 15

Makes me mad that lousy parents let their child roam around unprotected at night. But, hey...haters gonna hate...Amirite?

Church domes not start at 4am in any sect. And a 15 year old doesn’t have a job starting at 4am.

No, dear. Despicable is allowing your 15 year old child to roam the streets at 4am.

As any parent would. And should.

Same place her parents went wrong thinking it was “normal” for a 15 year old child to be out in the middle of the night getting a milkshake.

A parent should know where there child is. It’s called parenting.

Well, a curfew might have been key to keeping this one child alive. Or sound parenting. Whichever.

Her being out, a child, in the middle of the night, is the problem. Not the person who questions the obvious. Remove your head from your butt.

This is not a woman raped but a child killed at an hour where no good parent would allow his child to be roaming the street. You, sir, are the asshat.

No. a fifteen year old child does emphatically NOT have any right to be anywhere her absent parents don’t condone.

So. No. I never was out at four am. Not even for a dance. It wasn’t done. For good sane reasons.