Hmm...maybe they’ll claim responsibility for your racism too, absolving you of any personal responsibility?
Hmm...maybe they’ll claim responsibility for your racism too, absolving you of any personal responsibility?
The perp claimed Allah as his inspiration. The terrorists claimed his actions. Case closed.
Thought police is the opposite of an education.
They’re likely the ones to benefit most from the leftist liberal arts curriculum, so that would be counter productive to exclude them.
For pity’s sake. This sounds like middle school none sense.
Anti-Zionism IS anti-Semitic.
Yes. You are correct. The US does not criminalize speech that hurts your feelings, mostly due to the existence of the First Amendment.
Yes...and the people that mug priests and those wearing yarmulkes are also not counted in this “statistic”. Ever wonder why?
Weird how numbers just refuse to fit into the narrative, huh?
And in other, completely unsurprising news, water remains wet. It’s a weird thing about Orwellian doublespeak.......just by renaming a thing you can make it “prove” whatever propaganda serves your purpose of the moment.
Sometimes when your supervisor criticizes your bad attitude, it helps to readjust your attitude. Just a thought.
It’s interesting that she was livid. And that you think she has a case to press with your supervisors.
Is “white” feminism the kind where women don’t tear each other down? Cool! Sign me up!
So instead of her views, you criticize her looks? And call her a dumb blonde? It’s petty and not very feminist. But typical of Jezzies.
Ooo.....someone sounds a bit jealous. Meow.
It’s inappropriate, wrong and DOA. Nothing justifies it.
She’s a bully. And an asshole.
It’s not funny. And only oblivious assholes see humor in this.
Are you insane? Why should he “take it”?! She’s lucky she has all her teeth.
Yes. Rape is fucking hilarious.