
It’s what man has done to conquer since the beginning of time. So do lions....but whatever.

Perhaps you should make that movie. See how it sells.

That is not a part of the Anthem and refers to British conscripts forced to fight for their side, thus our enemies.

Do you mean eugenics most famous advocate? Oh, right, that was a German guy in the last century. Ok, then, eugenics second most famous advocate.

As a person who was sentient, although not of voting age during the time of the ERA, Schlafly’s opposition was not the amendment’s downfall. The ERA failed because it would have led to requiring women to participate in the draft during a time where drafted men had been dying in droves for ten years in Vietnam. This

Only if HRC ‘s health allows it. Not everyone lives to 92.

Also true. Obviously fake surgeries look obviously fake, and therefore objectively awful.

True and true. However fake, alien breasts are ugly. Fact.

I grew up calling them “shower shoes”.

It's called a hair elastic.

The average stay was twenty days.

That’s what “dismiss” is for.

Hmm. Well it's kinda like shooting fish in a barrel, dear.

I don’t need to be Irish to call out a racist.

“ covering” dosent protect you from war or rape or violence. It's a fools gambit.

No. The people of those nations are responsible for their own repression. No one else.

An athlete who won't compete on the sabbath is the same as one who wears a silly costume that decreases their performance.

The “rules” if you'd care to look them up, require BOTH sexes to cover their chests to their knees. The rest of it is bs oppression and cultural baggage.

No. No extra credit is given for participation while supporting an oppressive ideology. Sorry, sisters.

As a woman, I don’t give any extra prause or credit to those women who support an oppressive ideology. You’re good at fencing? Yeah! Are you the BEST? Double yay! Do you Fence while wearing a stupid outfit? ZFG.