
Nice racism there.

You can always pick off the cheese...or just ask for “no cheese”. Don't be a downer special snowflake.

Ok. You love this food. Gotcha. Please consider sampling the wares at our trucks all across this great US of A with an open mind. I think you'll be pleased😉

A couple of points:

Advocating for condoms over other methods of BC that do nothing to prevent disease transmission is the OPPOSITE of short sighted or selfish.

Because every other method of BC only prevents pregnancy, not disease. Here’s a clue....if your guy won’t wear a condom....don’t fuck him! He’s NOT worth it.

Condoms are the only method of BC that also reduce disease transmission. Yeah, public health specialists are cheap bastards....we love a two fer!

Oh, I think the government should definitely promote BC. I just think it should be the cheapest, most effective and least side effect ridden method....I.e. Condoms. Which also get bonus points for preventing disease transmission and reducing health care costs associated with STIs as well. Yeah condoms! Oldies but

This is one real reason most men asking for increases from males get them with less push back. Try being the sole bread winner as a female with a lower earning or non working spouse. Ouch. Forgitaboutit.

Um. No. Men have the advantage in getting what they ask for. Period. A man will accept a bold request from any other man more readily than from a woman. That is fact borne up by numbers.

Used to. Fifty years ago. Now they're president. Welcome to the future.

Now...if we could all just apply the same ignore function to this third rate QB sucking attention away from actual sports.........

I think U.S. Women might do a bit better since our sex Ed/health classes regularly go over this. Also, yes, elevating the pelvis and or any position puts the semen closer to the cervix increase conception. Not a myth, but a biomechanical reality.

I’ve no idea why the thought of their love offends you so. Your prudish pearl-clutching out does the Victorians themselves!

Anyone with an ABC license is held liable for the crimes committed by persons they over serve. Seems pretty logical to me.

Well, we hold bars and bar tenders liable for over serving, so not ridiculous.Pretty logically consistent.

Prescribing pain medication to relive pain is the POINT of the “medical industry.” To relieve suffering. Addicts shift blame all the time. It’s not new or surprising. Please don't opine about things you don't understand.

Yes, frequently prescribers are held liable for the mis-use of their prescriptions. As are bars and bar tenders who over serve.

Addicts shifting blame is not new.

The pharmaceutical companies do have a lot of money. But that’s not why you can’t “go after them”. They follow the federal law and make a product to help the very chronic pain sufferers you claim to care about.