A great gun confiscation could solve a lot of problems in a place like Chicago. I'm for it!
A great gun confiscation could solve a lot of problems in a place like Chicago. I'm for it!
Or stronger women than your mom.
Lots of folks want to be truck drivers. The pay is good. It's not as demanding as heavy labor. Your comment is elitist.
If women are serious about closing the “pay gap” we’re going to have to follow the pay into “male dominated” fields. Instead of sitting in air conditioned offices bitching.
They make an adaptor for females. Been around for years.
Perhaps driving a truck, by yourself for long periods, would actually be the safest job for a woman plagued by sexism in the workplace?
“Groped” isn’t rape. Hence why such are usually pressed into jury service.
No. They know it’s “a thing” in an impartial, unemotional, logical and clear eyed way. Hence why they end up judging another's fate.
Unsurprisingly, most women haven’t been “sexually assaulted".
How is “baby stuff” out of date?
No. One baby shower per mom.
34 isn't middle aged.
She sent water to some people?! How nice a gift from one of the richest folks on the planet! Her subjects should be satisfied and forever pleased, worshipping at her feet and buying her music like sheep. How about you replace the lead pipes...then claim glory?
The majority of any audience dosent get that finer point. Try not to be such an elitist racist.
Hypocrites get called out.
No. What’s too much is when a fabulously wealthy privileged 0.0001% makes even MORE money off the “poors” thinking she's one of them.
I find it weird that anyone considers Beyonce “blacker” than your average suburban mom.
Given that Beyonce hasn't saved a single life of any hue.....
Having worked in an industry for 20 years where the failure to self-report rule infractions is grounds for termination......boo hoo. Also, really, 18 games?! You realize MLB play 162, right?
If only we had gun laws that could keep violent felons out on parole for gun crimes from obtaing guns, right?