
They confessed.

Um. No. And your comment is racist as hell.

No. He needs to use his ridiculous wealth and privilege to do something besides grandstand.

You don’t ha pave respect for the country that allowed your wealth? Gave a nice life don't entertain don't even matter to me because your over privileged ass can't even contribute one single useful thing to the conversation.

Hate to tell you bad news...but most non Trump supporters have the same reaction to this privileged, fabously wealthy, narcissistic child’s tantrum.

Yes. It's a really huge burden to be an attentive, available and engaged parent. It's almost as if someone had FORCED these people to reproduce.

No. My comment states that a privileged man such as this is obligated to DO MORE and grandstand less.

You should expand your social circle to those less privileged than yourself.

No my position is that to whom much is given, more is required than grandstanding.

Perhaps one of the many organizations working on police training and actual research into causes could use some funding. Maybe there are some cities whose forces could use a donation for body cameras or increased training. I’m certain there are buyback programs to reduce the number of illegal weapons that could use a

I think he should check his privilege. Privileged to even be in the running for QB. Privileged by wealth, circumstance, training, health, availability of opportunity...privileged to be male.....all things don’t exist anywhere but here. He didn’t send himself to school, he didn’t feed himself as a child.....someone


Oh, he can talk about it. He can also back up his talk by opening his fat wallet. No, that would be real, constructive action of an adult, not the easy, posturing of an insolent child.

He's allowed to think whatever dumb ass shit he likes. It's his right as an American, which is why he should show respect for the flag that symbolizes those rights. Oh, and the country that has elevated him to the top 0.001% of privileged humans across the globe.

1) one of the most privileged men in our society has felt “ ill treated”? Dear lord.

“Why is it that old white people are so afraid of different cultures, religions, and ethnicities?”

My comment states, not implies, that privilege often blinds a person. The “poors” do not need your expressions of “solidarity” with them, because none can ever exist. They demand that you do something even harder, open your wallet.

I don’t think you’d recognize “classy" if it smacked you in the face.

He’s not protesting police brutality. He’s making a spectacle of himself. Disrespect to the country in which he has prospered as a black man, surrounded by other fabously privileged black men, is a testament only to his own narcissism.

I think you accidentally posted this in the wrong place.