Children haven't been beaten into caring about the same stupid shit as their parents yet. Popcorn > pee.
Children haven't been beaten into caring about the same stupid shit as their parents yet. Popcorn > pee.
Yep. That's OCD right there.
Get over bodily functions. It's not that hard.
You sit while peeing?! Gross.
Ok. You have issues with normal bodily functions that everyone, including yourself perform. #firstworldproblems.
No. It's biology.
Well, you ARE a sensitive, Indigo child 😉
I don’t even know the names of some guys I hooked up with a decade ago. Yes, I’d need someone to remind me to look up that YEARS later they died. But I’m old. So maybe I can claim dementia?
He slept with a drunk girl in college. While drunk himself. And at 19 with no real ability developmentally to asses consequences, much less that some SJW in a decade when he had finally achieved his dream would use this pretext to discredit him. What did you do in college...or at 19? Shall we pull it out and subject…
Yes, I also do not think about folks I had sex with last century. Hope they don't think of me, either.
It's not as if he killed her. Please stop with the concern trolling. Thank you.
How bout you don’t worry so much about what happened before you were a glint in your daddy’s eye? Maybe it’s all none of your damn business what happened between two college students or the state of this man’s soul? Let's not dig into your life, shall we? it turns out is the Millenials definition of rape.
When your definitions evolve you can’t fairly hold earlier interpretations to today’s standards. Your tomato as a Millenial is actually another generation’s tomato.
They are not interested in black folks shooting other black folks.
A black person shoots another black person while aiming, instead for yet a third black person....and this is the fault of...white people? Ok racist troll.
You are 50% right and HRC is 100% correct. This is not an new evil in American, or frankly, any politics across the globe. But it is most definitely NOT the Republican Party of Lincoln.
Weird how Americans don't vote for folks based only on their pigment or sex organs, amirite?
Every year the little league boys from S. Korea beat the pants off their challengers 😉