
You are correct. Women, much like men, care about seeing GOOD movies, action or otherwise. Shoe-horn ing “diversity” into the narrative is a buzz kill for all aficionados, whatever their politics. I feel bad for the actors who are convinced to “star” in such duds.

“very eyerolly and ugh that they’d set a heist film with women at a fashion thing instead of, say, the Iditarod.”

So, future POTUS takes time out of the fight to defeat orange Mussolini to support a b-list actress in a Twitter feud? Good use of time HRC!

Everyone does that.

So..Depp is an asshole for honoring the strumpet’s charity pledges? Scratches head. Rolls eyes. Ok, whatever ladies.

Add to the last of what Millenial “feminists” dislike....Taylor and Britney....what they like.....Kardashians....ok ladies......

That’s what the thirsty Kardashian clan does too. Dosen’t make them models either. The English language has another word for it....

Let’s repeat for those who obviously missed class: there are no such things as PRIVATE naked photos. Plan your lives accordingly.

Warren is old fat and ugly and God forbid her naked image be inflicted upon anyone. That said, it was rude of him to say so publicly.

I’d watch DWTS just to see Lochte, but I’d want to carefully avoid seeing Rose waddle about.

Most do. That’s why you don’t notice them. A couple old French ladies, who were not actually swimming, didn’t.

Hope you're not a gambler.

How many hacks will it take to convince people there is no such a thing as a PRIVATE naked photo/video?

So, if I call myself Miss America do you think they'll give me the crown?

Nuns wear regular swimsuits at the beach. And most dress in regular street clothes all the time as well. They generally left their medevial uniforms behind and prefer to blend in rather than call undue attention to themselves. So there is that.

An abortion is neither unique nor newsworthy. Do what you have to do to take care of yourself. Stop it with the narcissism. Why not just live stream your colonoscopy?

This person is not a model.

No. It's a useless, narcissistic and irrelevant thirsty waste of life.

Teenagers and young adults don’t have the brains formed to consent. Good parents know this and keep them from harm. Intoxication + teenage brain = no consent. It's not rocket science, neither party is culpable. The absent adults are.

“There are few people that get to do what they LOVE every single day. I’m blessed”