
Let’s break this down...shall we? She fainted in 2012 and suffered what was called a “mild” concussion at the time by physicians. This faint prevented her from testifying further in the Benghazi hearings. Her own husband stated that it took her over six months to rehabilitate from that “mild” concussion...which

As best I can tell, someone’s done the math here and decided Jezebel isn’t worth the risk.

“All the kids are doing it” is bad parenting. Society would be better served by holding actual adult parents responsible for the actions of their stupid spawn than locking up the children at state’s expense out of virtue signaling lust for vengeance.

Anyone who talks about their rape on social media is either a narcissistic attention seeking ass or a child. The only place to discuss these events is in a courtroom.

Why are teenagers having an alcohol fueled party? Why are some allowed to linger and pass out in bedrooms? I think the parents should be in jail....not the kids.

No, actually, I think there is a bit of public interest and value in releasing and publicly standing up when you charge someone with a crime. It's a perversion of justice to do so anonymously.

It seems logical that your accuser should should remain from anonymously defaming you during a trial. If you haven't beenn proven guilty yet, you're presumed innocent right? And you have a right to confront your accusers, right?

Firstly....he is a realtivly nonviolent offender. Secondly.....his crime is sexual assault, not rape. Don’t think giving him three hots and a cot in a chock o block full prison is the best use of funds either.


Meanwhile, in other unsurprising news, no one is buying anything these circus freaks have touched.

Your experience is unfortunate.

As another woman, I am sad for you.

My experience in the US is 100% different. Cheaper, quicker, more professional and in every way better than taxis. In hundreds of rides.....never felt uncomfortable. Frequently napped without a worry. other news...truckers, office workers....doctors lawyers and students and retired guys have all committed rape.

This woman retains internal testicles that give her an unfair advantage over other female athletes.

So, your reason for watching the Olympics is to virtue signal and engage with personal drama? As opposed to who is the strongest, fastest or best at their game? Guess NBC was spot on then!

Ok, sweetie. I hear your virtue signaling loud and clear. My mistake I called you out on it.

Faux outrage, darling. Including faux protestations.

No. Don't intentionally twist words. Makes you look like an amateur. Being fake anything is bad behavior. Including faux outrage.

Ok. Don't think she much cares one way or the other, though.