
You grow a brain genius. All banks cash official checks that are from their own company. To spell it out for you, Wells Fargo will cash checks that are written from Wells Fargo accounts. Full stop. You don’t have to be a member, you just need to provide id. Prove me wrong and I’ll apologize (I’m not).

I am a middle-aged white lady but I would love to show up and use my “let me speak to your manager” powers for good.

As righteous as a #BlackBackup app would be, the only thing that terrifies White people more than a Black person is several Black people, so lots of folks likely to get shot in that situation.

Colonize someone else’s land, use minorities for personal gains then tell them to fuck off or make it unsettling for all except the whites... all in the name of “preserving one’s own country”.

Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.

AS the son of a naturalized citizen, all I can say is: 

White people think they own everything. Including our pain, suffering, torture, rape, and subjugation.


Let me give you a civics lesson, or a reading lesson whichever one you’re willing to actually read.

“Why is it always on black people to fix white bigotry?”

And to anyone thinking “But HamNo was just trolling”:

Fucking thank you. I barely skimmed that post because it just dripped with white liberalism.

“It should be noted that the [internal affairs] was initiated only hours after the incident occurred before any media attention, social media posts or even a formal complaint from the individual involved.”

Just remember, it’s not the heat, it’s the stupidity.

The intrinsic problem with your country’s lack of cooperation and care for Hitchbot is the reflect of how you spoke of it. If it doesn’t build your car, throw your ball, shoot the latest military technology, or autotune the next up and coming RnB star; it has no value. If it doesn’t have the Star Spangled slapped all

No, I’m saying Concourse/Deadspin perpetuates male apologism and masculine stereotypes. Extolling the virtues of the destruction of private property in true douchebro fashion is just one example of that.

The only thing I have to say is that this just reinforces my opinion that anything Deadspin is the #NotAllMen of Gawker.

This is precisely why people do not like Americans. This country is full of negative, pessimistic, unimaginative jerks who do precisely THIS crap to something that was hurting absolutely no one. But because it was made in Canada, all of a sudden it’s stupid.