I enjoy her in some of her roles (especially Secretary and The Honorable Woman), but I would like to be far away from both of them.
I enjoy her in some of her roles (especially Secretary and The Honorable Woman), but I would like to be far away from both of them.
Wow. I always forget she was with Newsom because of who she is now.
This is really getting a little out of control. It seems everyone but me has now seen Jeff Bezos’ dick, and I’m having disgusted fomo.
Hahaha, it really threw me. I was like, nah, she’s definitely not the type for that.
She changed her name from Kelly to Kelleth. That tells me everything I need to know.
The first 3 frames I was convinced it was KB and was like, “YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS”.
She was one of those singers that I linked with Vanessa Carlton in my mind, and I kind of brushed aside because I just wasnt in a place where I wanted to listen to “that” at the time. I didn’t even know what “that” was. Anyway, I found BTW,IFY a month ago and have listened to it countless times. She’s amazing.
Okay, but real talk that’s an actual porn star already.
So this explains why the Grand Central Chopt is a literal hellmouth.
God bless! Rosalind Russell - I mean, honestly. His Girl Friday is obviously brilliant. But like, she makes The Women for me, and also I don’t care what anyone thinks I love her Mame and Rose. However, I’ve never seen Mourning Becomes Elektra, so I should STFU.
Honestly, would anyone know her without Regis and this monstrosity, which I WOKE UP SINGING and am still pissed about?
Okaty but seriously this album is amazing.
Honestly I just skip over the content and rage out about the quotations and capitalization. Jesus.
Leila Goldkhul has far and away the biggest career out of anyone on the show, and she sure and hell didn’t win
That woman is crazy, and I bet the rest of them sit around poking voodoo dolls of her and waiting for her to stop haunting them.
I honestly have a very difficult time believing there’s tension between the two of them.
Olivia Coleman then.
She’s kind of amazing. She elevates shit material - look at Cinderella and Mama Mia 2. Hammer does absolutely nothing for me, but I’ll watch this just because of James.
I still go there. For whatever reason his writing brings me joy, even after a decade of reading it. He can still surprise me.
Oh thank God. I mean, I hope he gets the help he needs but I need to buy more buffet soon.