
I made no suggestion whatsoever in my original post (nor do I appreciate words being put in my mouth as you did). Just commenting that I don’t think toxic fans are anything more than a minority of major fanbases that appear larger because they get more attention.

But I could lead to far more exposure then she has had on screen. Which can also help her career 

IMO there aren’t really toxic fandoms, just a lot of toxic and shitty people out there. The more popular a franchise is, the more likely it is that toxic and shitty people will like it. And articles seem to only really focus on what the toxic and shitty people do because it gets people to click. 

Why is one of the squad of Jedi hunters/killers supposed to be likeable?

Weird Y’all, he does song parodies with the Max Rebo band

Also most star wars stuff is poorly written with barely sketched out characters. There is a long list of actors in star wars that dont have “the depth or gravitas to play the part” until you see them in something else and realize the writing let them down

Have you ever met someone with power? Like 9 times out of 10 they’re just a bratty child. That’s also a running theme with the bad guys in Star Wars.

Likeability is a hell of a loaded term, that betrays a person’s subconscious prejudices. Often, likeability amounts to conforming to the norms of the dominant culture. And why the hell should an Inquisitor have to be likeable?

A descendant of All Y’all.

I’m firming my place up in Lexington, can you cover Concord?

this is the first in a series of conversations which ends with them trying to get the colonies back

Every time there’s a black character in Star Wars some white dude asks, “What if they’re Mace Windu’s kid!?” At least this one is age-appropriate I guess.

She was one of the younglings from the opening scene, guarantee it.

Maybe I’m being overly generous, but to me Obi-Wan’s incompetence read pretty realistically. He’s spent ten years in a combination of severe depression, PTSD, and actively trying to suppress everything that makes him noticeable. There’s probably a disconnection from the Force to stay under the radar that’s putting him

There is not a better argument for defunding or abolishing the police than this video (not to mention what happened at Parkland). What are police for, as presently constituted with guns, bulletproof vests, any amount of offensive and defensive military gear, and authority to use all of that at the drop of a hot, if

Apparently I’m in the minority but I personally like the differing lengths of episodes. 42 minutes is a constraint of network television with ads. I don’t want TV constraints on my premium streaming services.

Weekly episodes create a fan mania for popular shows. Westworld would never have been the hit it was if everyone had binged it in one weekend. By HBO slowly revealing the mystery, fans feverishly rushed to chat rooms and forums every Sunday night to debate what that week’s episode meant and where it was leading. You

It makes sense, but large parts are more allegorical than literal.

Is Kim’s mom really a “lover of great 80s music”, or does she just have the radio on in 1983?

Kim definitively broke bad at the end of this episode. She was on the verge of getting legitimately what she’s been claiming this whole con with Howard has been about, solid financial support for her pro bono legal work, and gaining the respect of her legal peers to boot, but deep down putting the boot to Howard was