
haven’t seen any of them, but then i don’t have kids. I still have to get around to watching the 1st Bad Boys movie like i said i would.

one of my favorites is Alec Baldwin playing Charles Nelson Reilly with Will Ferrell’s James Lipton gushing over him in an Actor’s Studio send-up (tbf, Ferrell is doing most of the work)

i don’t think its so much a matter of the short window anymore, there’s so much content available via the various streamers and most folks are looking for “comfort food” movies and tv shows rather than the latest big thing or prestige tv (fees like AV club commenters are outside the norm in that respect), and as

yes, this reeks of obsession with quarterly profits over any longer-term thinking, and thus is not surprising at all. i’m not sure how they go about convincing folks to go back to theaters when so much content is available via streaming and the viewing experience at home is drastically improved compared with that of

what if season 1 was mostly fun, season 2 less so. i don’t think this bodes well for x-men ‘97 but if we get a good season 2 that’s good enough for me, i’ll give chauncey’s S3 a chance and shrug and bow out if it turns out to be  mediocre-to-bad.

i get that reference!

“first exposure to Dinklage” is easy to misinterpret

Is “the summer of George” still OK

at this point do people really care? Feels like its equivalent to hassling George R.R. about finishing the next GoT novel.  move on, people!

Is Gravity Falls the sequel to Gravity’s Rainbow?

really not sure if i’m up for an additional season beyond this one.  the payoff mentioned in this review of the team-up against the nazi woman felt like the last really satisfying season.  none of the subplots this season are really doing it for me, great performance this ep by Simon pegg aside. the gross-out stuff

gave it a shot but as usual it was just way too slow and too many questions that i suspect would not get answered for a couple of seasons if ever.

nuts, i was hoping for Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, etc.

tbh i thought he had passed. glad he’s still around, maybe he can do a late career resurgence like Bruce Dern

I’m confused, wouldn’t the first one be the best one?

So its like the Kenny Bania of animated kids comedies?

Wow, first Nathan Rabin, now Sava’s back too?? is A.A.Dowd next??

welp, we’ve found the one Madame Web fan out there.  

maybe its a Quantum Leap scenario and you’re here to help Disney figure out what to do with their newly-purchased Star Wars property

Haven’t seen Madame Web, but excited to see Rabin’s return to this site.