
Well, obviously Kang was behind this.

They should bring in Larry and his other brother Daryl. 

This is a pretty good indictment of the Blogging Industrial Complex to me. Bloggers just re-report the same news and instead of going to the primary source, they cite the outlet that they happened to get it from. But the whole thing is like a game of telephone as bloggers have to change enough words to make it their

They took Manuel’s papers and then put in the document showing payment from the Peruvians and the number of the hotel Nacho was hiding at, to lead them to him. 

This ‘writer’ writes like the naive and simple-minded middle schooler they apparently are, though. They’re scandalized that a process server did their job and mildly annoyed the heroic millionaire empowered girlboss, and couldn’t be bothered to get the facts straight before hitting ‘publish’ because the facts

won’t someone think of the poor, unfortunate millionaire having to deal with a minor inconvenience? how dare that villainous process server try to do their job to pay their bills. don’t they know who Olivia Wilde is???

i can imagine how this would read if the particulars of the involved parties were reversed, lol.

‘whiny crybaby MAN Jason Sudiekis’ throws tantrum over being served custody papers on stage by his Powerful, Courageous Ex Olivia Wilde.’


This was definitely reported as being a female process server, but such pesky facts would fuck with your obvious intentions here, wouldn’t they? You didn’t write ‘a process server’. No, you wrote ‘a man’, as if the term itself is inherently repulsive. How dare ‘a man’ inconvenience a heroic empowered professional

THR first reported on the story, and their coverage mentions it was a “her”:

People avoid process servers, often just for the heck of it—to annoy the other side and make them spend money trying to serve papers. In this case, it’s more likely that it was simply a matter that Wilde was staying in Vegas incognito, and/or she has security to keep fans/press/people obsessed with her boyfriend away

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

Meh. I’m on the process servers side. Just the messenger. There’s no details exactly how the process server came to the conclusion of doing this action. I’ll assume it can be for any number of reasons such as, “I tried several times these last couple of weeks to professionally serve her, but she knows how to pump

Counterpoint: if you’re making $25 an hour, and you have to serve papers to a rich person who doesn’t have a regular place of business, hell yeah catch them at a scheduled appearance. My man still has people to serve, he’s the Amazon driver of legal badnitude. He’s not gonna wait for her talk to be over so he has to

I sure hope they can find someone else who can look sad all the time.

He pulled it out of the bin in Gus’ office, its a piece of the glass Gus broke in ep2.

The basic tier is $9.99 per month.  If you can’t swing that,  maybe you should be doing something other than watching Netflix.

but we also saw harrow put the glass in his shoes in the first episode which was only from his perspective.

Given this writer’s reference to Buffy throughout the review (and no reference to the Jeff Lemire comics or the recent TV show Legion), I don’t think they’re a pop-culture (or recent TV) expert.

This may end up being a cheat, but note after Marc breaks out of the Harrow (?) session, the camera stays in there for a beat; it’s omniscient, not Marc POV. We see whoever-Hawke-is-right-now asking the orderly “Are you OK”, and then remaining in that character for a second after the guy runs after Marc. As I say,

I don’t think the hospital is at all real, but I do think the Tomb Buster movie is where the Steven personality came from. It even makes the accent make more sense. He has the kinda bad accent because he is basing it off of an American actor doing a bad British accent in a budget Indiana Jones knock off.  Also red