
Holy christ, maybe next time let someone who actually enjoyed the trailer do a breakdown of it

Yah, this article seems to not understand that 50-90% of Marvel audiences don’t go on sites like io9. I mean really, do you think ravenous hyper-geeks make up more of the gross or a kid/parent seeing a TV spot and then saying, "let's take the whole family to go see that"?

I’d say compromise and go back to trailers that are a month or two out from the release date. It’s exhausting to be inundated with promotional material a year and more out.

It’s kind of funny how there’s this weird Venn Diagram of Marvel fans who clamor for trailers but get REALLY anal about spoilers.

Brandon Sanderson’s Record-Breaking Kickstarter Is the Exception, Not the Rule

Do any of you know 84 year-old men? They don’t know what-if-anything they say sounds bad, lol... My boss’ 83 year-old dad told a Hispanic coworker he “looked like a terrorist” because of a beard, but HE DIDN’T LITERALLY MEAN IT, for god’s sake.

The Leftovers is great. It doesn’t answer everything, but it’s not that sort of story — it’s about what happens in the wake of a mysterious world-changing event, not what caused it in the first place.

Old people get UNFILTERED. If this is new, I wouldn’t be surprised.

I think it’s fair to say that this movie was great *because* of Whedon and not in spite of him. I know it’s in vogue to declare that the guy is an irredeemable monster and dismiss all of his strengths as a result, but he is an incredible talent who has produced a lot of top-tier work.

It helps to remember that Will Smith isn’t banned from the Oscars because he committed a misdemeanor assault, lots of people have done that.

[cuts all power to microphones]

I love how, in that series, the biggest antagonist in the whole show goddamn Harlan County itself.

That’s... not true? “Best” is pretty much undefinable by any metric, as it’s based around personal preference, which is variable between voters. “Most Profitable,” on the other hand, is a counting stat. The winner can have their profits put up against other nominees.

What you mean you’ve never hear of the the Major League Comedy Commissioner?  


“There has been zero change in the way comedy is run”

It’s ok, Deadwood pretty much ruined every other western for me too. Mostly because when I see them I wonder why everything is so clean and why the streets aren’t covered in mud and horseshit.

He’s partially right. He doesn’t mention that only 11% of books published in 2018 were by authors of color

Wow, you are all over the place here.

I have over 20 years in the book business - in retail and publishing.