
Notice she lists Titanic, American Beauty, Bring it On and (partly visible) Ten Things I hate About You, all of which came out after the crash.  Bring it on dates to 2000.  This indicates that Jackie made it out of the woods, but died later.  Contextual clues indicates Shauna married Jeff around 2001-2002.  the timing

They really missed the thing that made the original series so special: legal-aged high school girls I wanted to have sex with. 

weird that he hates Jamaicans so much but isn’t above stealing a (much more talented) Jamaican’s song to make one of his biggest hits. Fuck this old racist prick, now and forever. Let me know when the Gofundme is up to pay off this woman’s debt, I’ll happily contribute to it.

America only comes with a second set of hands.”

But why is there an insanely high cost? I’ve never understood why movie musicals have to be so elaborately filmed. The success of the Hamilton movie showed that what most people want is just the stage experience. Give them that.

And they will blame every shred of it on Biden and the Dems. They’re already doing it, claiming more people have died under Biden than Drumpf. And to hell with anyone that dares point out how quickly this could’ve been nipped in the bud had 45 not been a particularly stupid Fascist whose decisions around the virus

It’s not about the low taxes or any other policy at this point. The only thing they want is to hurt and kill vulnerable minorities that they don’t like.

This. Everyone always seems to ask “Why doesn’t [insert any disgustingly rich billionaire here] help people with all that money he has?” And the answer is: Because he’s a sociopath and he didn’t get rich by having any kind of empathy for the suffering of other humans.

West Side Story could have at least added another 1.6 million if they’d done as I suggested and moved the setting to Raccoon City.

Sounds like just another one of the sociopaths that constitute the majority of CEOs at large companies, and who made it to the top just because they’re sociopaths, and because the f-ed up system we call capitalist free market is constructed specifically for enabling piece of sh-s to float to the top. Despite them alrea

The Monkees weren’t about music, madptarmigan! They were about rebellion, about political and social upheaval!

True progress can only be achieved once a woman is finally able play a murderous, alcoholic, womanizing agent of a declining imperial regime.

Of course James Bond should be a man. That’s the character as intended. Making Bond a woman accomplishes nothing. It’s fake corporate gesturing to try to appease to the crowd that gets loud about wokeness thinking they’ll be satisfied. Make new roles for women. That’s progress. Put women behind the camera. In the

I just saw the the Black Series Rancor failed to meet it’s backing number for production.  Which was a shame because it looked pretty cool.  But the bone incentive was kind of dumb.

I didn’t keep watching after the move to Peacock (sorry everyone) but it had some great jokes...the Congo(movie)-themed Homecoming, the reveal that Dennis actually knew a lot about biology and how he would punish the students with jazz. “No, less discernable melody!”

4 seasons? Pretty good run, longer than I thought it would get

He seems a little too old for those roles. But an older Michael Twoyoungmen (Shaman) having connections to the general MCU magic world outside of Alpha Flight makes sense to me.

Well the role for him could have been Michael Twoyoungmen but I doubt they will be doing Alpha Flight anytime soon. Could have been in a Dr Strange film though. They really should do that magicians bar. Can’t remember the name. 

If watching The A-Team has taught me anything, it’s that people ALWAYS survive exploding car crashes!

“Can you hear us in there? We’ve got rescue vehicles out here and we’ll try to get you out.”