
I’m so lost when it comes to these reviews. It’s like if the episode doesn’t end with a somber scene of Rick lamenting over how sad and lonely he is then the episode is just “hack bits” and “stupid”?

There were so many great laughs in this one! And it’s consistently one of the best looking shows on television. The

Because even after being a semi-antagonist in GOTG1, after everything that happened, when he opens that storage device and sees the troll doll, he laughs. Yondu wasn’t a good father figure to Peter, but he did raise him, and taught him everything Peter knows. He still was there, and there was still pride in Peter

for me the flaw of the movie is that none of the drama landed, and it detracted from the comedy. GOTG 1 had exactly 2 minutes of drama in the beginning of the movie, and then it moved on into a space opera comedy. GOTG2 tried to tell a dramatic story it was not up to telling.

Thank you.  I thought I missed something because that heel-turn was baffling.  The first movie implies Quill is basically a kicked-around cabin boy at best, a slave at worst. 

Weird Science was not, of course, remotely based on a comic book, despite taking its title from one.

Does he name any Superhero movies?

I think the mascot should be a sexy blue cyborg

Epic fail if the mascot isn’t a raccoon.

Don’t tell this dude about Transmorphers, he’ll lose his goddamn mind!

to be this stunningly stupid is an achievement, in a way

it’s weird in retrospect how naive I was to think that actually living through a global pandemic might weaken or kill the antivax movement. Boy did I underestimate the durability and stubbornness of aggressive, willful, nihilistic stupidity.

Honestly, I don’t really care that Ellis is a pervy old man. The specific cases I read didn’t amount to anything especially egregious, beyond being creepy. I’ve been a fan since Transmetropolitan. Not going to stop enjoying his work now. But you’re talking to a guy who counts Repulsion (Polanski) as one of his

His son was a prolific author, did about 50 stories.

Eric Clapton just isn’t the type of guy to inject dangerous, untested substances into his body.

Or why he wore that Dutch boy hairstyle.

I don’t know what folks were expecting. The only big releases since the pandemic have started decent then went off a cliff. Week 2 for BW was always going to do this - especially with an at home option. And the at home sales were mostly going to be first week only - who’s waiting for the second weekend to order a

He’s supposed to be 36?

Just here to say that a Karaoke version of Yello’s Oh Yeah is a phenomenally horrible idea and Parnell SELLS it. (“It” being what a bad idea it is.)

Hey everyone. Napster Generation Member here. Yeah I liked free easy to get stuff when I was 20 but I’m in my 40 and can afford to pay for things. I still know how to Pirates stuff but I rarely do it.

I’m having trouble sifting through the snark to figure out what the story is here.