
I was bothered that every male character in the movie is either a well-meaning oaf, a demented psychopath who has grown fat and powerful by stealing girls and women’s autonomy and bodies, or a well-meaning guy who almost never does his job up to standard.

It’s blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, but they do show her opening the container (and presumably removing the vials) in the brief moment where Taskmaster was untangling herself from the zip line Natasha had attached to her.

Well, now you’ve done it. He’s not going to watch real life, either.

He’s acting in a great sitcom about a farm, filmed upstate.

Damn, how are you gonna react to the news that they kill off PEOPLE on that show, too?

The others are correct, and seeing as I don’t even remember the dog from season 1 now, I’d say it was a fine decision

It’ Like, they just didn’t bring the dog back on the show. The dog is fine. And you know pets die in real life, right?

I asked the dog. He said, “Hellboy sucked."

“Where are my testicles, David?

To be fair, we should find out what the dog has to say about David Harbour

Sounds like another prima dogna.

Compliments to your mom, I guess.

It’s semantics, but the description of the post says “Black Widow hit big, and sparked the true revival of the summer blockbuster season” and then the very first paragraph went on to explicitly say streaming took in $60 million. Additionally, I’ve already forgotten what a good weekend for a summer blockbuster used to

I initially thought $35 (AUD) for the movie was a but steep.

I feel like that review was 85 percent pre-written and there was literally no movie that would have satisfied whatever that author was looking for.

I felt the same way about the Iron Fist reviews, although those were a lot more accurate in their predictions of badness.

I hope this convinces them to change their mind and do premiere access for the rest of the Marvel films this year. It’s so much nicer to watch these at home, and cheaper than a night out anyway.

30 bucks is chump change compared to what it’d be to go to a theater with my wife and kids.

They kind of have to. Because unlike comic book characters, actors age.

It’s a standalone sequel, like most Bonds, or the Dollars trilogy. A continuation, but one where watching the previous entry isn’t particularly helpful, let alone necessary.