
Mayor of Boston Loki

The Thanoscopter was in this episode. THE GODDAMN THANOSCOPTER.

When they concentrate on the wacky fun, and not on the silly relationship dramas, this is a really entertaining show.

Also a Throg cameo!

The most interesting idea in “The Nexus Event” comes right at the beginning, as Loki tries to comfort Sylvie as asteroids hurtle towards them: The thing that makes a Loki a Loki isn’t a godly sense of entitlement or even a trickster’s mischievous, it’s that they always manage to survive, no matter how many times

Yeah, I’m glad they got it out of the way early with regards to how they avoid the Lamentis apocalypse and I’m kinda glad none of the “fan theories” were validated.

The “luncheonette” is Holsten’s, of the series finale cut to black fame

The luncheonette shot is the front of Holsten’s, where the show ended. 

Isn’t Silvio only like a few years older than Tony? Dude’s got some unfortunate genes if so.

Now playing

Looks good, but SNL already did the perfect Sopranos Prequel trailer

Actually, in the Sopranos, it was clearly stated that Christopher was a cousin to both Tony and Carmela and that he was more closely related to Carmela.

It’s possible for two people to share the same cousin but not be related themselves, except in the deep sense in which we all are related.

I believe this was the case

The trailer could just be cut a certain way to highlight Tony, because the marketing folks figure that’s what sells.

What you’re telling me is that these terrorists should have put some stakes on a plane.

“But he never had the makings of a varsity athlete.” 

It was originally billed as a movie about Dickie Moltisanti and the Newark riots that had young Tony in a minor role. This is…..I don’t like this at all.

For some reason, I thought the oft-discussed Sopranos prequel movie was just going to focus on the machinations of the family with Tony’s Dad, Junior and those characters, not that it was literally going to be an origin story about Tony.  Kind of less interested now. 

Absolutely hate it when colonizers sweep in and steal my dance moves

Oh, the humanity!

Seriously, I see people talking about TikTokers becoming famous and wealthy around here and I’m like... who? Who in God’s name are these famous and wealthy TikTokers? If they’re so famous and wealthy than how haven’t I heard of them? Is it just me? Am I so out of touch? I mean, whether I am or not, the children are

See, the Black creators I follow on TikTok do stuff like make videos about feeding the fish at their marine biology internships, so I was not aware this was a thing.