
I actually liked Roanoke because after 5 seasons, it delivered an interesting twist that worked for me. I never finished Hotel (it seemed to take an awful long time to go nowhere) and never even bothered with Cult, so it was also the only AHS I saw for awhile.

The Loki on this show that has fistfights with - and is sometimes overpowered by - seemingly totally normal human mortals has me confused when I think about the Loki that traded blows with Thor and had a slight edge on Captain America.

Call it “Duo?

I think it’s as simple as: Star Wars is not Marvel, and trying to turn it onto Marvel didn’t work.

There’s no question of a need for more and better representation of homosexuality in media. But the central thesis of this article is,What it means to you is what it means to you, and nobody can touch that.” It’s a nice sentiment, but it begs the question of does that apply to all interpretations of a work,

I’m a huge believer in death of the author and I think it’s totally fine for audiences to react however they react to a work without being judged for it. If you see queer subtext in a work, there’s queer subtext in it, and the opinion of the work’s creator is not especially relevant. What I think is weird, and mostly

Sure, imagine all you want, that’s perfectly healthy.

The idiocy of post-modernism is on full display in this article. If I show you a green door, and you headcanon it as orange, it is not orange. It doesn’t matter if you draw a thousand pictures of an orange door or 500,000 word fanfiction works about it, it’s still a green door. What you’re “thirsty” for is immaterial,

This is an interesting and thoughtful piece, but where I think it misses the mark is that it seems to confuse the themes of a story with the plot of a story. Mackie’s issue was with people who insist that the characters actually are gay when they are not; he rightfully didn’t comment at all on identifying queer themes

Gunn went with more of an animated look than using practical effects for King Shark in the first Suicide Squad film directed by David Ayer.

I won’t post my usual rant about prequels, but the cut down version; “Dear god, give the prequels a rest and actually give us stories where we don’t know where everyone’s going to end up. Please!!”

Herb Tarlek, the shoes always matched the belt.

Herb Tarlek was a great character and he was perfect in the role. He was primarily a sleazy salesman clown, sure, but every now and then the story would call for Tarlek to be self-aware or even wallow in pathos and Bonner would bring it... He was a much better actor than you might expect.

There’s a big difference between wanting a fantasy and angrily, outwardly resenting writers et al for “queerbaiting” them into shipping Steve and Bucky, which is absurd, but I’ve seen a lot of people express their raging disappointment with the end of Endgame.

What, am I the only one that watches Black Mirror? Didn’t see any discomfort when he was kissing a man:

He told you why, though. It promotes toxic masculinity by not letting sensitive hetero males be express themselves in platonic relationships without being labelled as “gay” or “effeminate”.

Was always a thing with male-female pairings too.

He did have an awsome frolf match though!

In fairness, even George didn’t get a Summer of George.

The content at Hulu is suffering from some shrinkage.