
This is what I don’t get - Snow White was (apparently) dead. Prince Charming was heartbroken by the sight of her lying dead, so he decided to give her a last kiss goodbye since he was never going to see her again.

For God’s sake, Sam, can we cut this nonsense out? The “backlash” to the new Disney ride consisted entirely of one editorial on SFGate before Fox News picked it up and ran with their brand new culture war football. There is no need to play their game. I don’t care what two people on some editorial webpage have to say:

Snow White was dead at the time, though. You don’t need consent to kiss a corpse; they’re inanimate objects.

The best thing about this outrage is that the person who signed off on how the characters were lit in these scenes is the same person who...

This seems way more inane than the average Star Wars tempest in a teapot. I fully expect the lazy bloggers here to blue milk it as hard as possible.

That’s kind of my point, who is to say exactly how they would or wouldn’t talk? I’d personally put more credence in them speaking differently over time, among all the clones out there, spread all over the galaxy. There’s a lot of arm-chair language specialists on here telling me I’m wrong I guess, I won’t lose sleep

I haven’t heard of any fans concerned about this, only the same article copy/pasted from site to site claiming that fans are upset.

But you’re delusional so even that won’t be good enough for you.

Lol I can’t with this, this is absurd. Kanan? Even poor Kanan is getting drug into this nonsense? I assumed, using common sense, Kanan was a bit darker in Rebels because he spent lots of time on various desert planets, catching a light tan, he’s white. The clones? God damn, nope, nothing from me, they’re fine, they’re

Regular reminder that the very concept of a Clone Army is completely ridiculous and it’s hilarious that they all inexplicably have Kiwi accents. Accents don’t work like that! Also has anyone ever considered that Kanan might just of had a tan from hanging out on desert planets? 

well that’s when he also went on to do Fantastic 4 so it’s not all gravy

Is it not more likely that Musk has been booked in order to generate articles like this one. Which in turn makes people who don’t watch SNL every week tune into see if Musk falls on his ass. Or encourage members of his cult to watch it so they can defend him. I’m pretty sure at this stage Lorne Michaels knows what

According to McCarthy, the issue is that she won’t stay “on message.” You know, the message that is a lie. 

The thing is I don’t consider her ethical at all. It’s just that’s how low the bar is for republicans: simply acknowledging reality makes you stand above the rest of the garbage.

Spellman explained he aimed for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier to be almost right in the middle of that wide spectrum, the closest example being Lethal Weapon.

Exaggerated for effect: White middle class cis-gendered patriotic boys and men expecting a few hours of good action and fun buddy-comedy got exactly the amount of politics and gayness they could muster without getting a heart attack.

I think this has to do with target audiences. And most likely, the people reading (and writing for) this blog, is not part of that target audience.

A pub? Was he having a pint? I thought he was straight-edge?

No, you’re thinking of Folk, Folk Rock, Protest rock and other Hippie stuff. 

So, did they need to scrap the Asian man getting killed or not? I thought that’s where you were heading and then it just kind of wandered off to another point.