
True, but Jerry Seinfeld on the show was a guy who appeared multiple times on Carson and Leno. He may not have been the mega-millionaire that Seinfeld became in real life, but he was obviously very successful.

Hang on a sec, I think I see the problem... BvS needed an extra half hour on a theatrical cut that ran 152 minutes which would put it at, what, 3 hours? The recent Snyder cut is an excellent representation of the film they set out to make at a whopping 4 hours and 2 minutes?

Dude worked on Rise of Skywalker, BvS, and Justice League. Pretty sure he’s just piling on now that Whedon is a convenient scapegoat.

“All of which doesn’t even get into his experience on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, including studio mandates that Batman brand people with a bat symbol, and an original ending where Batman did just that Lex Luthor, which Terrio fought.”

Why is it called an *apart*ment when he always seems to be *with* someone?

Someone AutoCAD an explanation for how Jerry and George were able to date only beautiful women.

I never saw Twin Peaks so he’ll always be the desperate cable guy from Seinfeld to me. I also have dim memories of Wizards and Warriors, a short-lived “adventure/comedy” that was neither. Jeff Conaway was the star and he was awful.

Thank you. I feel like basically all of his complaints are easily explained as either 1) the expected collateral damage when a new director tries to turn a joyless 4 hour slog focused on the least well known superhero in a movie with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman into something watchable or 2) a relatively

WB and Zach Snyder should probably have made a $100,000,000 Cyborg movie before Justice League. Then they could have made a 2 hour Justice League. Instead Zach Snyder made a 4 hour movie that couldn’t possibly get a theatrical release and left Joss Whedon in an impossible situation. Cut the POC’s screen time or

If he was comic relief,  what was the Flash??

The version of Cyborg most people are familiar with was from the Teen Titans cartoon said it regularly as kind of his victory cry. It had a big fan base among millenials, who would be the target audience for this. So I can see why they’d want him to say it....once. Like just have him say it once after landing some

I mean...Whedon’s being an asshole doesn’t *actually* draw nearly as clear a line to Fisher’s part being cut as the studio’s runtime mandate does. one’s said that he’d be better off not making his concerns known?

Booyah is also a Cyborg catchphrase in the animated show Teen Titans (of which Teen Titans Go! is a reduction). 

Whedon got “Booyah” from the animated show Teen Titans Go

I... actually don’t? It’d be like half the cast of a Fantastic Four movie getting mad that they’re expected to say “Flame on!” and “It’s clobbering time!” but Reed and Sue have no equivalents.

Just curious: is there anyone out there who has seen the Snyder Cut and came away excited about a Cyborg movie? After that four-hour experience, my impression is ... meh. The character was fine. Fisher’s performance was fine. There’s absolutely no part of that backstory or character arc that I want to spend more time

The actor says this made him think of Black actors like Gary Coleman and Jimmie Walker, who became synonymous with the catchphrases of their TV counterparts.

If this is Fisher not being cryptic, maybe he should go back to being cryptic. Because if this is the whole story basically boils down to:

Nicholas Pryor is the only person who’s appeared in both <i>The Falcon and the Snowman</i> and <i>The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.</i>