
Yeah, and it’s unreasonable in this situation to leave us stuck getting that one figure just to complete this BAF. This could have been so easily solved with the Sam-Cap figure by having the straps as part of a panel that pegs onto the shield rather than just gluing the straps directly to the shield, especially when

They absolutely will, because toys.

The smaller 4 inch figure did. The actual Marvel Legends only had one with goggles on.

You’re not crazy, there is absolutely a version of the figure that includes the wings. It’s important to note that it’s a 7" figure, so not the same scale? Link:

That’s the most right time. Very rarely does life give you a straight man that completely buys into what you say and when that happens you've got to ride it out as long as you can

Had Hasbro done just that and made it an exclusive no one would probably seen it on shelves for months or been able to buy it online. Because bots would have bought them all in a second. As part of a mass produced wave all retailers will have access to sell these and they will be way more plentiful then the

The company’s done it a bunch of times before when he was Falcon—a Captain America: Civil War Falcon figure exclusive to Walmart was $30, and a recent Infinity War two-pack of him with Bucky cost around $40.

DMX was in there too, but maybe that was for his contributions to lighting technology

...and that’s why you always leave a note.

You’re telling me that people in Oklahoma don’t know what words mean, or that they take regular ass words that have meanings, and give them new meanings that no one else would understand?

It’s true, man. I got 2 years and probation for not rewinding a rented DVD.

Maybe try Bing? They have more results on some topics.

And you deserved every minute of it!

No, it’s true. I did 3-5 years hard labor(busting blocks) for a ‘failing to be kind’ conviction.

As I recall, people used to regularly catch 1-3 years for returning a tape un-rewound all the time back then.

His acting wasn’t bad at all. He didn’t display emotion because one of the points of the film is that Deckard is behaving more like a machine than the robots he’s hunting.

I’ll give answers a go: I think Maladie has been killing psychotherapists but that that group is by no means the exclusive target of her violence, just her main target. I interpreted her chatter as meaning, she was drawn there for something, wasn’t sure what, and if it wasn’t for someone special then it was going to

To echo others, Whedon seems like a jerk, but I watched the episode and it was fine. Maybe I haven’t watched enough stuff by him to recognize “whedonisms.”

Alot of what this review had a negative reaction to is what I liked. I like overfull stories, I like snappy dialogue, I like exposition. The rest of the negative criticism just sounded like more “blah blah this guy we’ve been trying to convince you is a paragon of feminism even though you could totally tell he wasnt

They’re “the Touched” in the show but their powers are called “turns”.