
and yes, i absolutely think Disney should send a truck full of money to Downey’s house to get him back on board. its not like he needs to be in peak physical shape like Hemsworth or Evens.

Well, the good news is that my expectations for Cap 4 keep dropping lower and lower, so if its even halfway decent i’ll end up enjoying it.

Boy was i disappointed went i received Boba in the mail and his rocket wouldn’t launch! was convinced i had gotten a “broken” version and probably drove my parents crazy lol

I prefer when the song was a plot point on My Name is Earl

unless she’s got health issues i don’t know about i kind of doubt this is *really* the farewell tour.

recycle Terrry Gilliam’s old 16 tons animation from MPFC

Well i skipped Venom 2 so obviously i’d have no chance of understanding what’s happening in Venom 3

Bill W died there? oops thats only 2 As.

yeah i made it thru the 1st movie but haven’t finished part 2 yet, i’m just not really into it.  i realize that the “white savior” bit is inherent to the story but its not exactly super compelling to me

yes, i think both individually are bigger draws than Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth combined.  Although i like all 4 actors pretty well, especially Anya

he’s a great actor, but after Gus Fring seems like he’s played the role of  “cool, calculating villain prone to occasional outbursts” over and over

i actually like that idea very much

oh well. i did think Atlas was watchable, at least, so that’s something.  not the most original movie in the world but whatev.

dunno if you’ve ever watched the old Alfred Hitchcock Presents tv series, but i’m routinely astounded by how characters will say they’re like 53 and look like they’re 70, or say they’re 35 but look 55.  (i blame the cigarettes lol)

sorry but that looks like Blade to me.  maybe Mahershala’s out

Unless he’s making a cameo introducing him as Doom, i don’t really see this as a great sign that things are going well with this movie or with the mcu in general.  was already not feeling that great about Cap 4 but now they’re bringing in a “ringer” for reshoots.  not great, Bob

I don’t know how much of the writer’s identity is wrapped up in this star wars hotel (i guess a lot since they got married there) but she seems to take criticism of Disney quite personally. 

sure was! but it lasted like what, a half hour to an hour, and it certainly didn’t cost $6000. they had a 2nd “ride” that was pretty good too iirc, maybe with Klingons or something.

hey, when our AI overlords stick us in the matrix, maybe it’ll be a D & D flavored one.  “Oh right, this is the Tomb of Horrors”

this comment was better than the article