
I would like to see the Mr. Do universe. hopefully eventually having a cross-over with the DigDug universe.

Eh, i enjoyed it.  not sure it really needed to be the most expensive series ever made or whatever.  its certainly not GoT but i don’t think more blatantly imitating that series would have done amazon any favors, either. 

whatever, people like Boebert and Sarah Palin before her always have one standard for their own family and a different standard that they hold others to, and of course they kind of pick and choose which types of biblical “sins” people are free to commit and which must be legislated as criminal.

yep, the double standard is pretty glaring.

yeah was gonna say its great that it won the weekend but that box office doesn’t sound THAT amazing.  oh well just hope it makes enough to get a sequel

wonder if Simone will survive the accident or if that was possessed-Tai’s way of getting her out of the picture.

dag, you beat me to it. well played

the fresh Prince spaghetti

its a pretty decent half malcom in the middle/half wonder years knock off at least for the first few seasons

was the presenter Jeff Goldblum?

could be worse, endless “know what i’m sayin” or “you feel me” annoy me more

off topic, but anybody else remember Ned’s Atomic Dustbin? i think their biggest song was Kill Your Television

makes me fondly reminisce about those old cartoons where bugs bunny or whomever would take a saw and cut florida off a map of the US and let it drift out to sea

i think its overblown, if he makes another halfway decent Jumanji movie all will be forgiven

giving Black Adam his own movie in the 1st place was a terrible idea. how many times is Hollywood going to do the whole ‘evil Superman’ thing? we’ve already had Zod, plus Justice League, plus that Gunn movie with the evil Superman kid, plus the Boys.  Enough already

also the same Damon Lindelof from the Leftovers and the hbo Watchmen series. those’ll pretty much wash out the bad taste from both the movies you cited as well as Lost. plus i blame abrams and ridley for a lot of the problems with those movies, perhaps moreso than Lindelof

oops for some reason i was mixing up Crash Davis with Darby Crash.  your comment makes more sense now

I’m not sure if the critical reception would be a whole lot different had the movie been released when originally intended, but the box office may have been a different story in a world without COVID and related delays. Whatever, i’ll catch this when it streams or on demand at some point.

oh good, just what audiences love, movies about people making movies.  Get over yourselves, Hollywood!

the landscape has changed and these superhero flicks aren’t going to be regularly making the big bucks they commanded before - seems like a film needs to be a cultural event like NWH, Top Gun 2, Avatar 2. (all of which rely heavily on bringing back talent/characters from hit films made at least a decade prior- most