
That’s the real kicker - no one knows. Nobody in the family is named Mike or Michael. She had no brothers, uncles or cousins named Michael. 

Elisabeth Moss discussed how The Invisible Man is about the fact that victims of abuse are rarely believed.

Quesada's absolute obsession with ending the marriage, and doing it in such a stupid, stupid (rat creatures) fashion... Sigh. 

Finn Jones?

Sad but true. I actually like most of the cast, particularly the actors playing Starfire and Donna Troy, but the show is too meandering both in terms of narrative and character motivation. Jason Todd’s personality, for example, has wandered from cocky kid trying to prove himself to near psychotic within a few

I’m a dude. And my ass only looks good in pants, which hide all the butt hair.

Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its

My kids played at a “Football” high school. The number of kids under the age of 18 that had tats, and even sleeves, was astonishing. The youngest I knew was 16. I would put it at 25-30%

I didn’t read the article, but I assume you’re blaming Tom Brady and the Patriots, based solely on the header picture. I would like to offer my wholehearted agreement. Fuck Tom Brady and the Patriots for ruining officiating, and just in general, really.

Only if the cat isn't neutered. 

Actually, I remember your post, and I was the one who responded with “all of them” (except Best Song). I certainly never mentioned how much money it made. I specifically made my argument on artistic merit. But then, I’m not a film poser prejudiced against the notion that there can’t be artistry and emotion in any film

Hey Well to be Fair Guy, it’s Posting in Wrong Article Guy,

I mean that’s pretty much pitch perfect right?

I always clean up after my dog, it’s the least amount of effort you can do to be good, and then I toss them up into the gutters or window sills of those I do not like because I represent the duality of man.   

You do you, but I don’t touch the harder stuff anymore, myself.

Sir, I simply asked if you’d like to renew your library card.